Soutien au peuple ukrainien

Soutien au peuple ukrainien 💙💛

Nous, Solidarités Jeunesses, mouvement d'éducation populaire engagé pour la construction de la paix, exprimons notre tristesse et notre colère face à la situation actuelle en Ukraine.

Nous adressons nos pensées à toutes les personnes en Ukraine et vers nos partenaires qui vivent actuellement dans l’insécurité et dans la peur. Nous pensons également à nos ami·es ukrainien·nes vivant en France ou ailleurs et qui s’inquiètent pour leurs proches.

Nous nous joignons aux multiples appels à la solidarité européenne et aux autorités pour faciliter l’accueil de victimes et de personnes vulnérables.

Nos pensées vont également vers les Russes qui ne se retrouvent pas dans le choix de cette opération militaire.

Cet exemple nous montre que la Paix n’est jamais acquise, qu’elle est sans cesse menacée par des intérêts politiques, financiers, territoriaux. Plus que jamais, nous devons continuer à lutter pour construire cette paix internationale essentielle

👉 De la part du Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (en anglais)

Born out of the ashes of the First World War, the IVS movement has sought for over 100 years to achieve peace through hands-on actions inviting people from around the world to come and work together and to learn from one another. Thousands of lives have been changed, including the lives of those that work in our movement, it is the driver for the work we do. Our activism stems from our experiences working and living with ‘the other’ different from ourselves.

In spite of this, war is an eternal element of our lives, it takes many forms, and many #experience it in different ways. Our words do not stand for much, our actions are far louder. We stand together with countless organisations like us around the world and call for peace. Warfare and destruction cannot be the answer. We must resist the onslaught of war rhetoric, we must learn from the mistakes of the past and carry forward these lessons as #inspiration to build our lives, to bring hope, to carry on the torch of light for peace and solidarity for all.

CCIVS as a non-profit global organisation working for the development and coordination of voluntary service worldwide upholds the value of Peace through international understanding, friendship and cooperation among the people of the world, it is an essential element of our work and the basis for our existence.

The Executive Committee of the Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service

👉 De la part de l'Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations (en anglais)

We are shocked and alarmed by the escalation – the war – in Ukraine. Our hearts and minds are with our friends in the conflict areas at the moment, particularly our members in both Ukraine and Russia.

As an IVS network, we are part of a global peace movement, we are committed to peaceful connection, exchange, and collaboration among people, irrespective of origin and background. This is what we strive for, a message we spread among volunteers and local communities all around the world, every day. War is never a solution! Weapons never bring peace.
We call for an immediate de-escalation and peaceful, non-military, sustainable solutions in this conflict, just as for any other conflict and dispute around the world.

The Executive Committee of the Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations

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