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Nous vous invitons à découvrir une multitude d'opportunités de volontariat en France et à l’international. 

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Assurez-vous de spécifier votre âge, car certains projets peuvent exiger une participation dans une tranche d'âge particulière. Enfin, explorez la diversité des types de volontariat que nous proposons, allant des chantiers internationaux aux échanges de jeunes, en passant par les projets de moyen et long terme. Trouvez celui qui correspond à votre vision, vos disponibilités et à vos aspirations.

478 projets
Heritage Month code: SAVWA 0060
Afrique du Sud / Chantier Adulte
Du 16/09/2022 au 30/09/2022
Thématique CULT EDU
The Heritage Month celebration will require volunteers to be involved in arts and cultural activities such as learning local South African arts and cultural activities and sharing their own cultural and values from their respective countries. Volunteers will work in groups and wi...
France / Chantier Adulte Chantier - Corps Européen de Solidarité
Du 18/09/2022 au 02/10/2022
Thématique RENO CONS
Vous avez envie d’apprendre des techniques anciennes de maçonnerie et de découvrir l’utilisation de matériaux anciens et écologiques ? Cette année, nous continuerons de travailler à la protection d’anciennes habitations à proximité du château. Dans le but de prése...
Educational Centre Kell am See code: IBG 25
Allemagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 18/09/2022 au 02/10/2022
Thématique ENVI,MANU
Support the educational centre Kell am See, an important place for youth work in the whole area of Trier, by doing environmental and maintenance works! The educational centre is public, non-profit and offers the opportunity for youth groups, associations and schools to spend some...
Estonie / Chantier Adulte Chantier Adolescent
Du 18/09/2022 au 25/09/2022
Thématique AGRI,
The main task for volunteers will be to weed and picking berries by hand, also to harvest vegetables and salads. In addition to weeding and harvesting task, volunteers will clean the vegetables and make them together with other farm s products (frozen berries and juices) ready fo...
ARCH in Pond of Obedska code: VSS05
Serbie / Chantier Adulte
Du 18/09/2022 au 02/10/2022
Thématique ENVI
The volunteers will continue the work from the previous years in the area of the fortress Kupinik, destroyed in 1521 when Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent conquered this region. You’ll join the team of volunteers led by a local archaeologist in the continuance of the field works...
Center for Sustainable Development (CSD) code: CYA2247
Cambodge / Chantier Adulte
Du 19/09/2022 au 01/10/2022
Thématique ENVI EDU
Volunteers are going to work in various activities such organizing ceremonies and eventswith local people, teaching English, music, arts, and sports to children, and working withlocal people in income generation program...
Trapaing Sangke Fishing Community (TFC) code: CYA2248
Cambodge / Chantier Adulte
Du 19/09/2022 au 01/10/2022
Thématique ENVI
Organize workshops with local people to promote the understanding of mangrovesforest to people lives and collect mangrove seeds, seedling, and planting mangroves inTFC protected area while maintaining the planted mangroves....
France / Chantier Adulte Chantier - Corps Européen de Solidarité
Du 19/09/2022 au 07/10/2022
Thématique ENVI
Ce chantier vous permettra de réaliser plusieurs activités : ouverture des milieux (tronçonnage d’arbres), délimiter la zone protégée de la zone de fréquentation des kitesurfers par exemple (pose de barrières en bois), arrachage des espèces envahissantes afin de permet...
Tibetan Culture and Social Development code: RC-13/22
Inde / Chantier Adulte
Du 19/09/2022 au 01/10/2022
Thématique CULT EDU SOCI
During 1st week volunteers would join us in our headquarter which is based at a rural location where they have opportunity to live & experience a typical mountain village culture, their lifestyle and during process join our ongoing initiatives like NFE, women empowerment, NRM...
Environment Camp code: VINWC22-14
Népal / Chantier Adulte
Du 20/09/2022 au 01/10/2022
Thématique ENVI EDU MANU
Activities: •Organize the waste management /Community clean-up campaign by involving community people. •Train local people on garbage management (segregation, disposal, domestic methodology to make compost fertilizer etc.) •Develop a kitchen garden concept an...
Islande / Chantier Adulte
Du 21/09/2022 au 30/09/2022
Thématique ENVI,STUD,ART ,
While developing artistic and technical photography skills, you will be focusing on environmental and sustainability issues through non-formal activities such as workshops, discussions, presentations and visits facilitated by SEEDS. One of our aims is to help create more environm...
Oskorusobraní - Oskoruse Festival code: SDA W02
Tchéquie / Chantier Adulte
Du 23/09/2022 au 25/09/2022
Thématique MANU,FEST
The work will be mainly manual and outdoor in all kinds of weather. You will prepare the site for the event (Friday and Saturday) and clean up afterwards. You will cut and rake grass, pick up branches and install wooden poles. You will also help with transportation of material an...
Italie / Chantier Adulte
Du 25/09/2022 au 02/10/2022
Thématique ENVI MANU
Small-scale cleaning, naturalistic engineering and drywall rebuilding works. The volunteers will be supervised by local drystone masters as well as coordinating the work. The work hours are from 8:30 a.m. with 30 minutes lunch break....
OH-W09 Lohra Castle code: OH-W09
Allemagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 25/09/2022 au 08/10/2022
The projects of Open Houses are based on sustainable principles. Therefore, the activities at Lohra Castle combine aspects of cultural heritage preservation and aspects of natural heritage preservation. The participants of the Workcamps carry out works in the green areas and the ...
Global Education Center (GEC) code: CYA2249
Cambodge / Chantier Adulte
Du 26/09/2022 au 08/09/2022
Thématique EDU CULT
Volunteers will working on organizing different workshop, training, and activities tosupport students learning and development. Volunteers will also teaching english tostudents and join construction activities to renovate GEC classroom, beautify thecampus, and build building for ...
Development for Cambodian Children (DCC) code: CYA2250
Cambodge / Chantier Adulte
Du 26/09/2022 au 08/10/2022
Thématique EDU ENVI
Volunteers are going to participate in different activities such as teaching English andcomputer for DCC students, organize sport activities with teenagers, and participate in socialdevelopment and environmental protection with local people. Beside, volunteers will also haveoppor...
Recreation Center 2 code: VJF 5.1
Allemagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 26/09/2022 au 12/10/2022
Thématique RENO,ENVI
International volunteers are invited to improve the grounds of the centre. Tasks are likely to include construction, gardening, maintenance and renovation works. It is planned to maintain the playground equipment, especially big climbing frames, which includes removing rust and p...
Construction du foyer FAGAD code: FAGAD 16
Togo / Chantier Adulte
Du 26/09/2022 au 17/10/2022
Thématique CONS MANU
nettoyage du lieu ;fabrication et ramassage de briques ;ramassage de sable ;montage des murs......
Adventure Farm code: VJF 2.2
Allemagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 26/09/2022 au 07/10/2022
You support the adventure farm by helping with various maintenance tasks such as painting, building and repairing. Different kinds of animals live on the farm, such as rabbits, hamsters, cats, dogs, chickens, two ponies, donkeys, goats and sheep....
MEXICO - Sea Turtles Conservation VII code: VIVE22.12
Mexique / Chantier Adulte
Du 28/09/2022 au 10/10/2022
Thématique ENVI
The volunteers will be working at night from 20:00 to 08:00, four days per week with an average of thirty hours. Depending on the number of turtles that come ashore, two teams might be formed among the volunteers. In this way, each group will be taking turns, working one night an...
France / Chantier Adulte
Du 30/09/2022 au 21/10/2022
Thématique CULT
Vous participerez à la création d’un atlas littéraire avec les habitant.e.s locaux.ales. Cette création est issue des ateliers d’écriture et de lecture réalisés dans les bibliothèques de la communauté de commune de Haute Saintonge. En outre, vous participerez aux ate...
France / Chantier Adulte
Du 01/10/2022 au 22/10/2022
Thématique ENVI
Au programme, initiation à la permaculture et à l'agroforesterie, plantation d'arbustes et préparation de parcelles pour les plantations au printemps prochain. Nous aurons également la possibilité d'apprendre à transformer les légumes pour leur conservation. Nous prendrons...
Community forest code: BNP-07
Népal / Chantier Adulte
Du 01/10/2022 au 14/10/2022
Thématique ENVI MANU
Work- Building a water tank and a well, for clean water access- Construction of a seniors home, organisation of daily activities for seniors, creation of a garden near the community house - Help with the empowerment of women, to prepare them for the job market- Further develop th...
Islande / Chantier Adulte
Du 01/10/2022 au 10/10/2022
Thématique ENVI,STUD,ART ,
While developing artistic and technical photography skills, you will be focusing on environmental and sustainability issues through non-formal activities such as workshops, discussions, presentations and visits facilitated by SEEDS. One of our aims is to help create more environm...
Fall in Vermont: Festivals and Outdoor Recreation code: VFP-STV04
États-Unis / Chantier Adulte
Du 03/10/2022 au 21/10/2022
This project will focus on 3 areas: 1. Festival Preparation: For over 25 years we have hosted a festival called “The Enchanted Forest” in Montpelier that attracts over 1,000 people. Attendees will help us set up and run the festival. Tasks include pumpkin carving, setting up...
Women Power code: RC-14/22
Inde / Chantier Adulte
Du 03/10/2022 au 15/10/2022
Thématique SOCI EDU
Working closely with local communities we have mobilized women self help groups in villages. Through these groups we have nurtured and supported women entrepreneurship initiatives to economically support their families. We also work with teenage girls in public schools where we a...
Live the Himalayas code: FSL-WC-211
Inde / Chantier Adulte
Du 03/10/2022 au 16/10/2022
Thématique RENO CULT EDU
Weeks 1 & 2• Share your ideas and promote eco-friendly practices• Help to renovate school buildings and also paint walls• Unleash your creativity with educational drawings (murals)• Teach basic English to children & Session on social distancing • Working wi...
Misato code: NICE-22S-1005A
Japon / Chantier Adulte
Du 05/10/2022 au 18/10/2022
Thématique FEST ENVI
Volunteers will mainly prepare and join the local festival. Cut bamboos to make lanterns and somesmall tools to be used in the festival. Volunteers will also need to practice traditional music in every evening with local people to play and walk around the village at the festival....
Physical/construction code: DMN-05
Népal / Chantier Adulte
Du 06/10/2022 au 20/10/2022
Thématique MANU CONS
- Rebuilding the community center- Provide health and sanitary education to children- Provide physical education- Provide disaster prevention education...
Food Gardening Project code: SAVWA 0061
Afrique du Sud / Chantier Adulte
Du 07/10/2022 au 21/10/2022
Thématique EDU ENVI SOCI
Volunteers will have an opportunity to get hands on training from relevant training personnel from Department of Agriculture and also some community based organisations working with the people.We will have voluntary work at a informal settlement where various activities will be c...
Kenya / Chantier Adulte
Du 08/10/2022 au 26/10/2022
Thématique EDU AGRI
 Engaging in school activities e.g. playing with kids, cooking for the kids, teaching and washingthe utensils Working in the Model Farm of the center: tilling the land, planting crops, harvesting, weedingand applying manure and watering crops Assisting in teaching of bas...
Feel the historical heritage in centuries-old Bedheim Castle code: ICJA14
Allemagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 08/10/2022 au 22/10/2022
WORK: Volunteers are invited to help in the care and preservation of this ancient monument. We will work 6 hours daily, to do painting and cleaning inside or to maintain the garden around the castle. In the garden, the work depends on the season, usually it is harvesting fru...
Danube Valley Village – Leibertingen code: IBG 27
Allemagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 09/10/2022 au 23/10/2022
Thématique CONS,ENVI
Help the community of Leibertingen make their village even more beautiful, using ecologically friendly methods! The municipality of Leibertingen needs your help on two different projects, which will both benefit their population and respect the environment. • The first project...
OH-W10 Lohra Castle code: OH-W10
Allemagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 09/10/2022 au 21/10/2022
The projects of Open Houses are based on sustainable principles. Therefore, the activities at Lohra Castle combine aspects of cultural heritage preservation and aspects of natural heritage preservation. The participants of the Workcamps carry out works in the green areas and the ...
Center for Sustainable Development (CSD) code: CYA2251
Cambodge / Chantier Adulte
Du 10/10/2022 au 22/10/2022
Thématique ENVI EDU
Volunteers are going to work in various activities such organizing ceremonies and eventswith local people, teaching English, music, arts, and sports to children, and working withlocal people in income generation program...
Peace Village- Songkhla code: VSASTV2210
Thaïlande / Chantier Adulte
Du 10/10/2022 au 22/10/2022
Thématique EDU,RENO,AGRI
Volunteer will be divided to work in rural school as English teachers, preparing lessons with the teacher at the school (do not expect this point too much even the teachers are also shy to speak out). Creative teaching English – Non-formal education tools can be used for creati...
Conserve the Sea Turtle code: FSL-WC-212
Inde / Chantier Adulte
Du 10/10/2022 au 23/10/2022
Activities:• Plastic and other non-degradable waste is a huge hazard to marine life. Join us on a beach walk and help clean up the surrounding beaches• Meet the stalwarts of the fisherman community, listen to fishing yarns, talk to them about sea turtle conservation...
Berlin Deutsch Camp code: VJF 3.5
Allemagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 10/10/2022 au 22/10/2022
Thématique LANG
Study part: The group will receive German lessons by a qualified teacher who is a native speaker. You will receive 3 hours German lessons in the morning. The grammar and communication will be deepened, depending on the wishes and needs of the participants. In your free time, exc...
Trapaing Sangke Fishing Community (TFC) code: CYA2252
Cambodge / Chantier Adulte
Du 10/10/2022 au 17/10/2022
Thématique ENVI
Organize workshops with local people to promote the understanding of mangrovesforest to people lives and collect mangrove seeds, seedling, and planting mangroves inTFC protected area while maintaining the planted mangroves....
MEXICO - Sea Turtles Conservation VIII code: VIVE22.13
Mexique / Chantier Adulte
Du 12/10/2022 au 24/10/2022
Thématique ENVI
The volunteers will be working at night from 20:00 to 08:00, four days per week with an average of thirty hours. Depending on the number of turtles that come ashore, two teams might be formed among the volunteers. In this way, each group will be taking turns, working one night an...
Raising Peace Campaign code: VINWC22-15
Népal / Chantier Adulte
Du 12/10/2022 au 23/10/2022
Thématique EDU CULT
Objectives: •To raise awareness to the local community against violence among women. •Aware people of women's rights and implement those at the local level.Work and activities: •Conduct awareness sessions to the men and women about violence among women •Organize open foru...
Islande / Chantier Adulte
Du 14/10/2022 au 23/10/2022
Thématique ENVI,STUD,ART ,
While developing artistic and technical photography skills, you will be focusing on environmental and sustainability issues through non-formal activities such as workshops, discussions, presentations and visits facilitated by SEEDS. One of our aims is to help create more environm...
DaLaa Family camp code: DALAA-WC6510
Thaïlande / Chantier Adulte
Du 15/10/2022 au 21/10/2022
The ACTIVITIES to strengthen the relationship and to support the aims are roughly planned as below.• Deal with the daily life• Work together on the vegetable gardens• Adjust surroundings around the volunteers service communities• Create forums-discussions on “Voluntary ...
Construction d’un centre communautaire de développement et d’écoutes code: FAGAD 17
Togo / Chantier Adulte
Du 15/10/2022 au 04/11/2022
Thématique CONS SOCI
-Aménagement du terrain (désherbages, déraciné des arbres….)-fabrication des parpaings-montage de mur (maçonnerie)-recherche d’eau-recherche de sable-recherche de bois et planche. ...
Global Education Center (GEC) code: CYA2253
Cambodge / Chantier Adulte
Du 17/10/2022 au 29/10/2022
Thématique ENVI CULT
Volunteers will working on organizing different workshop, training, and activities tosupport students learning and development. Volunteers will also teaching english tostudents and join construction activities to renovate GEC classroom, beautify thecampus, and build building for ...
Development for Cambodian Children (DCC) code: CYA2254
Cambodge / Chantier Adulte
Du 17/10/2022 au 29/10/2022
Thématique EDU ENVI
Volunteers are going to participate in different activities such as teaching English andcomputer for DCC students, organize sport activities with teenagers, and participate in socialdevelopment and environmental protection with local people. Beside, volunteers will also haveoppor...
Indonésie / Chantier Adulte
Du 17/10/2022 au 25/10/2022
Volunteer will help local mahout (a person who takes care and train an elephant) daily to take care theelephant starting from bathing/showering, feeding, health checking and grassing the elephant. One local mahoutwill be accompanied by one volunteer in doing his daily job....
EAT PRAY LOVE code: DJ-2212
Indonésie / Chantier Adulte
Du 17/10/2022 au 25/10/2022
The volunteers will assist to help teachers to teach students simple basic English and introduce some Englishkids songs. The volunteers will also do simple renovation to the school such as making bookshelf for a library andpainting the classroom. They will also involve in other a...
Diwali - Festival of Lights code: RC-15/22
Inde / Chantier Adulte
Du 17/10/2022 au 29/10/2022
This camp is a great opportunity to learn and experience Indian culture and understand the diversity and unity it stands for. You shall be participating in our ongoing humanitarian actions like Non formal education, women empowerment initiatives, environment conservation, organic...
France / Chantier Adulte Échanges de Jeunes - Adulte
Du 17/10/2022 au 02/11/2022
Thématique CULT
Durant ces deux semaines, vous allez explorer et créer des jeux, partager une déclaration d'amour internationale, développer l'expression autour de la création scénique théâtrale, incarner les mots. Les défis seront d'oser, de s'exprimer, de performer devant un public.&nb...