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Nous vous invitons à découvrir une multitude d'opportunités de volontariat en France et à l’international. 

Que vous souhaitiez vous immerger dans l’organisation d’un festival en France ou dans un projet culturel en Asie, participer à des projets environnementaux en Europe, ou contribuer à des initiatives éducatives en Amérique latine ou en Afrique, notre moteur de recherche est là pour vous aider à trouver le projet parfait.

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Assurez-vous de spécifier votre âge, car certains projets peuvent exiger une participation dans une tranche d'âge particulière. Enfin, explorez la diversité des types de volontariat que nous proposons, allant des chantiers internationaux aux échanges de jeunes, en passant par les projets de moyen et long terme. Trouvez celui qui correspond à votre vision, vos disponibilités et à vos aspirations.

478 projets
Wando Soando code: IWO-81
Corée du Sud / Chantier Adulte
Du 11/08/2022 au 16/08/2022
Thématique KIDS CULT EDU
Participants will organize a summer peace camp for local youth to share the value of loyalty, peace and harmony with neighboring countries. They will also run intercultural understanding activities. Participants will be required to bring the information and materials on how their...
Berlin: Creative Rennovation in the "Forest House" code: VJF/ESC 3.3
Allemagne / Chantier Adulte Chantier - Corps Européen de Solidarité
Du 11/08/2022 au 25/08/2022
Thématique RENO,ART
We need your help to repaint the inside of our "Forest House". In addition to repainting most of the walls in neutral colors, all participants will have the opportunity to be creative: Each room door may be designed according to a given theme! Paint, brushes and all working mater...
Jijok code: IWO-83
Corée du Sud / Chantier Adulte
Du 11/08/2022 au 17/08/2022
Thématique CULT
Work: Participants will collect oysters at the tidal flat so that it helps to balance the eco-system in tidal flat. And they will make guide posts made by upcycling in the street to help the visitors of village. ...
Enhance Tourism and Community life in South Bohemia code: SDA102
Tchéquie / Chantier Adulte
Du 12/08/2022 au 21/08/2022
Thématique FEST KIDS
1.) Improvement of tourist infrastructure - Terčino Údolí Park and Nové Hrady Castle Park - maintenance of natural trails, clearing of brushwood, help with reconstruction of the artificial waterfall2.) Creative, cultural and family activities - Family point - help with provid...
Boost the Tourism and Community Life in South Bohemia code: SDA102
Tchéquie / Chantier Adulte
Du 12/08/2022 au 21/08/2022
Thématique FEST,KIDS
1.) Improvement of tourist infrastructure - Terčino Údolí Park and Nové Hrady Castle Park - maintenance of natural trails, clearing of brushwood, help with reconstruction of the artificial waterfall 2.) Creative, cultural and family activities - Family point - help with prov...
Our Best Friends - 1 code: GSM07
Turquie / Chantier Adulte
Du 12/08/2022 au 26/08/2022
Volunteers will work for stray animals in and around Cide district center during the program. Volunteers will work in the construction, repair, painting and landscaping of animal-friendly shelters and shelters for stray animals in Cide beachfront, surrounding neighborhoods and th...
Shelters of Solidarity code: EGY-22-04-ESC
Hongrie / Chantier Adulte Chantier - Corps Européen de Solidarité
Du 12/08/2022 au 27/08/2022
The aim of the volunteering is to create and hold meaningful summer programmes for the children living the shelters, "laugh, run and move". Volunteers will organise and animate games and sports activities for the children, which will serve a wide range of psychosocial needs and s...
Kenya / Chantier Adulte
Du 13/08/2022 au 31/08/2022
Thématique AGRI EDU CONS
Farm work which includes horticultural farming, weeding, planting of crops, clearing of bushes and diggingPlanting of tree and preparation of seedlingsMaking of bricks which will be used to construct the storage room for farm productsMaking organic manure and biochar which is por...
Islande / Chantier Adulte
Du 13/08/2022 au 21/08/2022
Thématique ENVI,STUD,
The Environmentally Aware and Trash Hunting project is part of a series of camps organised by SEEDS in cooperation with different partners. SEEDS works with and supports the Icelandic ministry for Environment and Natural Resources on a project to clean up the Icelandic coastline;...
Islande / Chantier Adulte Chantier Adolescent
Du 13/08/2022 au 21/08/2022
Thématique STUD,ART ,
This is the fifteenth year (since 2008) that SEEDS organises a series of International Photo marathons, while we started organising camps open for teenagers in the year 2010.Throughout the year participants from all over the world come to Iceland for an immersive photography-rela...
Help out in the half-timbered town of Homberg! code: ijgd 22339
Allemagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 13/08/2022 au 03/09/2022
Homberg (Efze) is a wonderful, historical, fairy-tale factory town and an important Reformation town. High above the rooftops of the town lies the “Hohenburg”, the ruins of a castle from the Middle Ages, with a great view over the town and a castle restaurant. This year you w...
Nyamira Missionaries Cultural Development code: KVDA/STV/08A
Kenya / Chantier Adulte
Du 13/08/2022 au 30/08/2022
Thématique CULT MANU
Manual work and Intercultural activities:• Weaving• Art work• Women training on self-awareness and confidence building• Women training on entrepreneurship skills and financial management• Meetings and media campaign on women empowerment in leadership• Home visits and ...
Dernières places
France / Chantier Adulte Chantier - Corps Européen de Solidarité
Du 13/08/2022 au 28/08/2022
Thématique RENO
Ce chantier s’inscrit dans la continuité d’un premier réalisé en juillet et en amont d’un autre. Il consistera à protéger l’ouvrage des intempéries et à poser un plancher provisoire en vue du chantier final de réhabilitation de la couverture selon les méthodes de...
Youth Farm code: VJF 5.2
Allemagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 13/08/2022 au 26/08/2022
You will support the school farm in feeding and caring for and lovingly occupying the diverse animals. Active support is needed for the expansion of the paddock....
Mediterrenian Development Goals - 3 code: GSM03
Turquie / Chantier Adulte
Du 13/08/2022 au 27/08/2022
Thématique KIDS,EDU,LANG
This short term camp will be held in coordination with the Mediterrenian MTV (GSMTV01) project. STV volunteers will organize workshops for children between the ages of 10-18 about the Sustainable Development Goals, and they will have variable duties according to the needs of the ...
Veseli Castle code: SDA ESC ACR 3
Tchéquie / Chantier Adulte Chantier - Corps Européen de Solidarité
Du 13/08/2022 au 27/08/2022
Thématique RENO
Work tasks are divided in three parts including the construction of a wooden plank fence (painting of wood, hammering, screwing, and stretching of the wire mesh), work in the castle park (mowing and raking grass, removing wood, and trimming small branches) as well as cleaning ins...
Dernières places
Take a Break at the Fountain – Kastel-Staadt code: IBG 21
Allemagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 14/08/2022 au 27/08/2022
Thématique RENO,ENVI
Come to Kastel-Staadt and help this community to turn a fountain and historic washing place into an attractive resting area for hikers. Kastel-Staadt is a village with a rich cultural heritage (the name comes from a Roman castell that used to be here). It is situated on a rocky o...
Barlicka Juniors code: ISL04
Slovaquie / Chantier Adulte
Du 14/08/2022 au 20/08/2022
Thématique DISA,SOCI
The volunteers will organize free time activities for young people with disabilities from the NGO Barlicka. The young people from Barlicka are 18+ years old. The centre has been working with people with disabilities for 16 years, trying to help them to live independently. The act...
Estonie / Chantier Adulte Chantier Adolescent
Du 14/08/2022 au 24/08/2022
Thématique MANU,
Work will include landscaping, clearing and tidying up green areas and places/ objects of local importance in the village such as taking care of old historical cemetery, work around the local pastorate, etc. It is also possible to participate in local youngster s social-enterpris...
St. Iscle's Castle: looking for a past code: CAT09
Espagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 14/08/2022 au 28/08/2022
The work camp will take place in the St. Iscle Castle, in Vidreres. Participants will have the opportunity to learn and share experience in a multicultural environment for two weeks while acquiring archealogical and cultural knowledge and at the meantime enjoying the wildlife of ...
Build an Eco-centre in the Jizera Mountains code: SDA404
Tchéquie / Chantier Adulte
Du 14/08/2022 au 21/08/2022
Thématique CONS,ENVI
Making of a stage (cutting, grinding, hammering, drilling and laying of wooden boards), preparing of an obstacle course in the "forest playground" (designing the route, making of wooden and rope obstacles), mowing meadows (using a brush cutter, raking, removal of woody plants). (...
OH-W06 Castle Lohra code: OH-W06
Allemagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 14/08/2022 au 27/08/2022
The projects of Open Houses are based on sustainable principles. Therefore, the activities at Lohra Castle combine aspects of cultural heritage preservation and aspects of natural heritage preservation. The participants of the Workcamps carry out works in the green areas and the ...
OH-H03 Halberstadt "Conservation of historic mortars & surfaces" code: OH-H03
Allemagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 14/08/2022 au 27/08/2022
Thématique RENO,CULT
The European Heritage Training Course is the continuation of courses and projects following the theme of Jewish heritage in Halberstadt which had taken place in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021. This engagement has been an important collaboration between European Heritage Volunteers and...
Junk yard playground code: YS-2022-04
Lettonie / Chantier Adulte Chantier Adolescent
Du 14/08/2022 au 28/08/2022
Thématique ENVI MANU
This is a new initiative of our organization – a pilot project. The junkyard playground will be a place where kids could learn and create. Volunteers will help to prepare the territory for this playground and as well make some basic elements....
Nature Photography (Berlin + Plau am See) code: VJF 1.2
Allemagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 14/08/2022 au 28/08/2022
Thématique ENVI,ART
Support for habitats in the nature park code: ijgd 72120
Allemagne / Chantier Adulte Chantier Adolescent
Du 14/08/2022 au 02/09/2022
The nature park Märkische Schweiz is 40 km east of Berlin and offers its unique natural and cultural landscape as well as the backdrop for our project in and around the environmental education center "Drei Eichen". (“three oaks”) Through the cooperation with the nature park ...
Serbie / Chantier Adulte
Du 14/08/2022 au 27/08/2022
Thématique ENVI
During the workcamp the main working activity will be carried out in the northern and eastern part of the “Horseshoe”. A large depression situated in that part of the Pond has been filled up by thick vegetation of white willow, silver-leaf poplar and ash combined with large q...
Hiking trails & Forestry code: seeds 056
Islande / Chantier Adulte
Du 14/08/2022 au 27/08/2022
Thématique CONS ENVI
EEDS volunteers will be working in a beautiful forest located in the countryside district ofBorgarbyggð, West Iceland, doing nature-conservation and environment-oriented tasks. SEEDS has beencooperating with the Icelandic Forest Service and our groups of volunteers have been hel...
Trapaing Sangke Fishing Community (TFC) code: CYA2242
Cambodge / Chantier Adulte
Du 15/08/2022 au 05/09/2022
Thématique ENVI
Organize workshops with local people to promote the understanding of mangrovesforest to people lives and collect mangrove seeds, seedling, and planting mangroves inTFC protected area while maintaining the planted mangroves....
Global Education Center (GEC) code: CYA2239
Cambodge / Chantier Adulte
Du 15/08/2022 au 27/08/2022
Thématique EDU CULT
Volunteers will working on organizing different workshop, training, and activities tosupport students learning and development. Volunteers will also teaching english tostudents and join construction activities to renovate GEC classroom, beautify thecampus, and build building for ...
Development for Cambodian Children (DCC) code: CYA2240
Cambodge / Chantier Adulte
Du 15/08/2022 au 27/08/2022
Thématique EDU ENVI
Volunteers are going to participate in different activities such as teaching English andcomputer for DCC students, organize sport activities with teenagers, and participate in socialdevelopment and environmental protection with local people. Beside, volunteers will also haveoppor...
Teterow IV code: NIG12
Allemagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 15/08/2022 au 27/08/2022
Thématique ENVI
This workcamp is for nature lovers, since the work will be mainly outdoors. There is a lot of work around the natural reserve. Since it’s not possible to use common agricultural techniques, volunteers have to do everything manually. Moreover every meadow around has to be cut an...
DEETZ code: PRO-D1
Allemagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 15/08/2022 au 03/09/2022
Thématique MANU,
The work means building playground equipment made of nature materials as well as fences and buildings for sheep and goats. The work also includes for example to cultivate land, gardening, harvesting, doing some renovation depending upon need. The time of work is 6 hours daily exc...
WHV Young Guardian code: DJ-2205
Indonésie / Chantier Adulte
Du 15/08/2022 au 20/08/2022
Volunteers will have restoration work. Besides, before the restoration work, the volunteers will have one day orientation about how to do the restoration and given information about the history of the temple, so that the volunteers really gain a lot of knowledge about the temples...
Indonésie / Chantier Adulte
Du 15/08/2022 au 26/08/2022
The volunteers will assist to help teachers to teach students simple basic English and introduce some Englishkids songs. The volunteers will also do simple renovation to the school such as making bookshelf for a library andpainting the classroom. They will also involve in other a...
Indonésie / Chantier Adulte
Du 15/08/2022 au 26/08/2022
The volunteers will assist to help teachers to teach students simple basic English and introduce some Englishkids songs. The volunteers will also do simple renovation to the school such as making bookshelf for a library andpainting the classroom. They will also involve in other a...
Gantikow Manor code: OH-W12
Allemagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 15/08/2022 au 26/08/2022
Thématique CONS ENVI
The Manor is located at a scenic place a few meters away from an idyllic lake in northern Brandenburg.This quiet location is home to a small and peaceful community which every year welcomes the arrival of our volunteering groups.The volunteers will be enjoying their leisure time ...
Turquie / Chantier Adulte
Du 15/08/2022 au 23/08/2022
Thématique SOCI,
Practising English through daily activities, games and manual work with teenager participants....
ESC Grabštejn Castle II code: SDA ESC ACR 4
Tchéquie / Chantier Adulte Chantier - Corps Européen de Solidarité
Du 15/08/2022 au 29/08/2022
Thématique RENO,ENVI
Volunteers will work mainly in the castle park: maintaining paths and roads, removing invasive plants, mowing, cutting woody plants, collecting garbage, removing wood/stones, gardening, helping in the castle area (basic renovation and maintenance). The work would be mainly outdoo...
Mingle with the locals in Dysina code: SDA106
Tchéquie / Chantier Adulte
Du 15/08/2022 au 04/09/2022
The work will be mainly manual and outdoors. You will do different gardening works (cutting bushes and grass, raking, landscaping etc.) and some other renovation and maintenance tasks around the local kindergarten and primary school. The new school year will start at the beginnin...
Togo / Chantier Adulte
Du 16/08/2022 au 04/09/2022
Thématique ENVI
Sarclage et désherbage ;Fabrication des planches, pépinière, binage ;Fabrication de compost ;Protection des plantules (ombrage), repiquage des jeunes plants, arrosage des semis des différentes légumes cultivées ;Renforcer la clôture du jardin avec les bambous ;Construction...
Espagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 16/08/2022 au 30/08/2022
Framed in the beautiful Valley of Baztan, between pastures and oak groves, legends of witches and bucolic villages of white houses and red roofs, there is a past of concrete bunkers. Built since the late 1930s and throughout the 40s and 50s, they draw the attempt of the Francoist...
France / Chantier Adulte Échanges de Jeunes - Adulte
Du 16/08/2022 au 30/08/2022
Thématique CULT SOCI
Vous participerez à des activités de réflexions sur les vêtements et autres activités orientées autour de cette thématique. Plus d'informations seront communiquées dans la feuille de route....
France / Chantier Adulte Échanges de Jeunes - Adulte
Du 16/08/2022 au 05/09/2022
Thématique SOCI CULT
Ce projet permettra, par le biais de la réalisation de courts métrages, une rencontre et un échange dense et humain avec la population rurale du Pont de Montvert qui sera invitée participer lors de la création des courts métrages. Enfin, ce projet est aussi une formidable e...
Espagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 17/08/2022 au 28/08/2022
We intend to make known the material and cultural heritage of the City of Mesía, specifically the Arboretum or Botanical Garden for its fifteenth anniversary. Activities: 1. Help plant a sensory garden and build a pond in the Messiah Arboretum or Botanical Garden. Creation of...
Espagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 17/08/2022 au 28/08/2022
Thématique ENVI
- Cleaning of weeds and elimination of non-native species such as acacias and eucalyptus. - Care of specimens of native species present such as chestnut or oak trees. - Cleaning and conditioning of roads, trails and structures such as walls. - Elimination of weeds in the vicin...
Espagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 17/08/2022 au 28/08/2022
Thématique ENVI
The work will be environmental and will consist of maintenance work on the island, fire surveillance, information work and visitor awareness, and specific interventions to improve the park in collaboration with the environmental service workers. Cleaning of the South Island (the...
Espagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 17/08/2022 au 28/08/2022
Thématique ENVI,RENO
The tasks or jobs that will be performed in this work camp are as follows: - Assist in the tasks of cleaning the accesses, removing spontaneous vegetation, conditioning the railings and stairs and signaling the Batán de Mezonzo. - To help in the tasks of recovery and rehabilit...
MEXICO - Sea Turtles Conservation IV code: VIVE22.08
Mexique / Chantier Adulte
Du 17/08/2022 au 29/08/2022
Thématique ENVI
The volunteers will be working at night from 20:00 to 08:00, four days per week with an average of thirty hours. Depending on the number of turtles that come ashore, two teams might be formed among the volunteers. In this way, each group will be taking turns, working one night an...
Goheung Yeonhongdo code: IWO-82
Corée du Sud / Chantier Adulte
Du 17/08/2022 au 24/08/2022
Thématique ENVI ART
Participants’ main job is to make art crafts and to renovate the art as they wear out with time. They will repaint, fix them and produce their own upcycled artworks in their creative way in cooperation with the artist. The new and renewal art crafts will be displayed in th...