Trouver un volontariat

Bienvenue sur notre moteur de recherche de projets de volontariat ! 

Nous vous invitons à découvrir une multitude d'opportunités de volontariat en France et à l’international. 

Que vous souhaitiez vous immerger dans l’organisation d’un festival en France ou dans un projet culturel en Asie, participer à des projets environnementaux en Europe, ou contribuer à des initiatives éducatives en Amérique latine ou en Afrique, notre moteur de recherche est là pour vous aider à trouver le projet parfait.

Lors de votre recherche explorez différentes destinations en navigant entre les continents et pays. Optez pour la diversité en sélectionnant plusieurs pays simultanément et explorez également les thématiques variées, que vous soyez passionné·e par l'environnement, l'éducation, le développement communautaire, ou d'autres domaines.

Assurez-vous de spécifier votre âge, car certains projets peuvent exiger une participation dans une tranche d'âge particulière. Enfin, explorez la diversité des types de volontariat que nous proposons, allant des chantiers internationaux aux échanges de jeunes, en passant par les projets de moyen et long terme. Trouvez celui qui correspond à votre vision, vos disponibilités et à vos aspirations.

1466 projets
NICE West Office code: NICE-24L-WO14
Japon / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 28/12/2024 au 15/06/2025
Thématique CULT,SOCI
Volunteers will mainly 1) Help the work of NICE in the western part of Japan such as Public Relations (Creating short movies of workcamps and spread through SNS and mass media), Organizing promotion events and weekend workcamps, Coordinating the workcamps in the western part of J...
NICE West Office code: NICE-24L-WO15
Japon / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 28/12/2024 au 07/09/2025
Thématique CULT,SOCI
Volunteers will mainly 1) Help the work of NICE in the western part of Japan such as Public Relations (Creating short movies of workcamps and spread through SNS and mass media), Organizing promotion events and weekend workcamps, Coordinating the workcamps in the western part of J...
NICE West Office code: NICE-24L-WO16
Japon / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 28/12/2024 au 30/11/2025
Thématique CULT,SOCI
Volunteers will mainly 1) Help the work of NICE in the western part of Japan such as Public Relations (Creating short movies of workcamps and spread through SNS and mass media), Organizing promotion events and weekend workcamps, Coordinating the workcamps in the western part of J...
Oi code: NICE-24L-OI17
Japon / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 28/12/2024 au 23/03/2025
Thématique AGRI,MANU
1) Supporting for harvesting and shipping during the peak of the Japanese star anise (shikimi) harvest season. 2) Supporting for harvesting and shipping of sudachi (Japanese citrus fruit) at the peak of harvest season. 3) Supporting for activities such as writing English guides i...
Oi code: NICE-24L-OI18
Japon / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 28/12/2024 au 15/06/2025
Thématique AGRI,MANU
1) Supporting for harvesting and shipping during the peak of the Japanese star anise (shikimi) harvest season. 2) Supporting for harvesting and shipping of sudachi (Japanese citrus fruit) at the peak of harvest season. 3) Supporting for activities such as writing English guides i...
Oi code: NICE-24L-OI19
Japon / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 28/12/2024 au 07/09/2025
Thématique AGRI,MANU
1) Supporting for harvesting and shipping during the peak of the Japanese star anise (shikimi) harvest season. 2) Supporting for harvesting and shipping of sudachi (Japanese citrus fruit) at the peak of harvest season. 3) Supporting for activities such as writing English guides i...
Oi code: NICE-24L-OI20
Japon / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 28/12/2024 au 30/11/2025
Thématique AGRI,MANU
1) Supporting for harvesting and shipping during the peak of the Japanese star anise (shikimi) harvest season. 2) Supporting for harvesting and shipping of sudachi (Japanese citrus fruit) at the peak of harvest season. 3) Supporting for activities such as writing English guides i...
Shinmachi code: NICE-24L-SH17
Japon / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 28/12/2024 au 23/03/2025
Thématique EDU,MANU
Visiting the local Child center and kindergarten, volunteers play with local students and kids. For example, playing game, helping their homework etc. Supporting B.D. activities Flower Road project (Watering flowers, maintaining flower on the road). Joining in some kind of local ...
Shinmachi code: NICE-24L-SH18
Japon / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 28/12/2024 au 15/06/2025
Thématique EDU,MANU
Visiting the local Child center and kindergarten, volunteers play with local students and kids. For example, playing game, helping their homework etc. Supporting B.D. activities Flower Road project (Watering flowers, maintaining flower on the road). Joining in some kind of local ...
Shinmachi code: NICE-24L-SH19
Japon / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 28/12/2024 au 07/09/2025
Thématique EDU,MANU
Visiting the local Child center and kindergarten, volunteers play with local students and kids. For example, playing game, helping their homework etc. Supporting B.D. activities Flower Road project (Watering flowers, maintaining flower on the road). Joining in some kind of local ...
Shinmachi code: NICE-24L-SH20
Japon / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 28/12/2024 au 30/11/2025
Thématique EDU,MANU
Visiting the local Child center and kindergarten, volunteers play with local students and kids. For example, playing game, helping their homework etc. Supporting B.D. activities Flower Road project (Watering flowers, maintaining flower on the road). Joining in some kind of local ...
Ikata code: NICE-24L-IK17
Japon / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 28/12/2024 au 23/03/2025
Thématique AGRI
Volunteers will help mandarin farming (It is the main work!! Harvesting, taking care of trees, cutting grass etc., it depend on season! Especially, Nov. to April. is hard!!), support local youth club (If you have chance) and create new activities to animate the town....
Ikata code: NICE-24L-IK18
Japon / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 28/12/2024 au 15/06/2025
Thématique AGRI
Volunteers will help mandarin farming (It is the main work!! Harvesting, taking care of trees, cutting grass etc., it depend on season! Especially, Nov. to April. is hard!!), support local youth club (If you have chance) and create new activities to animate the town....
Ikata code: NICE-24L-IK19
Japon / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 28/12/2024 au 07/09/2025
Thématique AGRI
Volunteers will help mandarin farming (It is the main work!! Harvesting, taking care of trees, cutting grass etc., it depend on season! Especially, Nov. to April. is hard!!), support local youth club (If you have chance) and create new activities to animate the town....
Ikata code: NICE-24L-IK20
Japon / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 28/12/2024 au 30/11/2025
Thématique AGRI
Volunteers will help mandarin farming (It is the main work!! Harvesting, taking care of trees, cutting grass etc., it depend on season! Especially, Nov. to April. is hard!!), support local youth club (If you have chance) and create new activities to animate the town....
ACT'ART : Célébrer les différences code: SJ/BI75
France / Chantier Adolescent *
Du 15/07/2024 au 30/07/2024
Thématique CULT
Vous serez soutenu.e.s dans vos apprentissages par une équipe motivée de 3 animateurs et animatrices (1 Allemand.e et 2 Français.e.s). Vous rencontrerez des associations locales qui vous ferons découvrir les enjeux de différentes discriminations. En fonction de vos envies et...