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Nous vous invitons à découvrir une multitude d'opportunités de volontariat en France et à l’international. 

Que vous souhaitiez vous immerger dans l’organisation d’un festival en France ou dans un projet culturel en Asie, participer à des projets environnementaux en Europe, ou contribuer à des initiatives éducatives en Amérique latine ou en Afrique, notre moteur de recherche est là pour vous aider à trouver le projet parfait.

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Assurez-vous de spécifier votre âge, car certains projets peuvent exiger une participation dans une tranche d'âge particulière. Enfin, explorez la diversité des types de volontariat que nous proposons, allant des chantiers internationaux aux échanges de jeunes, en passant par les projets de moyen et long terme. Trouvez celui qui correspond à votre vision, vos disponibilités et à vos aspirations.

760 projets
Trapaing Sangke Fishing Community (TFC) code: CYA2432
Cambodge / Chantier Adulte
Du 18/11/2024 au 30/11/2024
Thématique ENVI,MANU
- Pick up mangrove seeds & seedling - Planting mangroves & maintenance mangrove forests in the protected area - Manual work in helping community members to build some tourist activities...
Intercultural and Language (ICL)- Nakhon Ratchasima 18-30/11/24 code: VSA2411-1
Thaïlande / Chantier Adulte
Du 18/11/2024 au 30/11/2024
Thématique EDU,KIDS,LANG
Volunteers will work as a teacher in the school, using English to communicate. Volunteers can teach the subject that requires the most skill or English for communication. Using Nonformal education tools for teaching. Teaching English mostly will be in the morning. School renovati...
Psychology Study Visit Program code: VSA1411-3
Thaïlande / Chantier Adulte
Du 18/11/2024 au 27/11/2024
Thématique STUD,EDU
Visiting the university provides youths with a great opportunity to gain a better understanding of community life. Through university tours, participants can immerse themselves in psychology education. The program aims to offer students a unique opportunity to acquire valuable in...
SEEDS 076. Environment & Photography - November code: SEEDS 076.
Islande / Chantier Adulte
Du 18/11/2024 au 26/11/2024
Thématique ENVI,ART,STUD
SEEDS’ programme combines learning, sharing, hands-on activities, getting to know Iceland, its culture, having fun, exploring the city and its attractions, as stunning natural attractions in possible excursions. Participants should prepare to share environmental issues from the...
France / Chantier Adulte Échanges de Jeunes - Adulte
Du 19/11/2024 au 03/12/2024
Thématique SOCI ART
Pendant 10 jours, le groupe partagera la vie quotidienne avec des personnes de différentesnationalités, dans la ferme, dans le hameau de la montagne.Dans ce contexte, nous proposons d'expérimenter nos corps comme un outil social, artistique,politique et poétique. Avec des ate...
Higu S7 code: NICE-24S-1119A
Sri Lanka / Chantier Adulte
Du 19/11/2024 au 28/11/2024
Thématique AGRI,SOCI
Basically, our projects consist of two parts. First three days we worked at the one place that is our main work, helping a family to do their work in the nursery. Mixing soil and composts, filling the bags, cutting flowers, and planting the branches are among the main work. Secon...
Higu S7B code: NICE-24S-1119A
Sri Lanka / Chantier Adulte
Du 19/11/2024 au 24/11/2024
Thématique AGRI,SOCI
Basically, our projects consist of two parts. First three days we worked at the one place that is our main work, helping a family to do their work in the nursery. Mixing soil and composts, filling the bags, cutting flowers, and planting the branches are among the main work. Secon...
Oi 44 code: NICE-24V-1124A
Japon / Chantier Adulte
Du 24/11/2024 au 28/11/2024
Thématique AGRI,CULT
1. Support harvesting and shipping Sudachi citrus at its season 2. Support harvesting and shipping Shikimi (Japanese star anise) 3. Help making brochures or signs for pilgrims from overseas throughout the village. 4. Cleaning up vacant houses, etc....
Népal / Chantier Adulte
Du 25/11/2024 au 06/12/2024
Thématique MANU,EDU
Make a presentation on VolunteerismArrangement for the Volunteer dayPlan unique activities to be done during the volunteer day...
SEEDS 077. Environment & Photography - Winter code: SEEDS 077.
Islande / Chantier Adulte
Du 27/11/2024 au 05/12/2024
Thématique ENVI,ART,STUD
SEEDS’ programme combines learning, sharing, hands-on activities, getting to know Iceland, its culture, having fun, exploring the city and its attractions, as stunning natural attractions in possible excursions. Participants should prepare to share environmental issues from the...
Kenya / Chantier Adulte
Du 27/11/2024 au 16/12/2024
Thématique MANU,AGRI,EDU
• Farm work: weeding, digging, and planting • Fetching water from the local reservoirs • Planting, watering and caring for trees in homesteads • School visits: Participate in Sports activities, teaching, mentoring, playing and preparing meals for kids at local schools â€...
Une maison solidaire code: SJ/ESC79
France / Chantier Adulte Chantier - Corps Européen de Solidarité
Du 30/11/2024 au 14/12/2024
Thématique CONS
Le Centre de Beaumotte est un lieu de vie qui accueille chaque année des personnes de tout horizon. Espace d’apprentissages et d’expérimentations, chacun.e est invité.e à laisser une empreinte de son passage. Lors de ce chantier, nous te proposons d’apprendre des techni...
Erabu 2 code: NICE-24S-1201A
Japon / Chantier Adulte
Du 01/12/2024 au 20/12/2024
Thématique AGRI
The volunteers will be spilt into 3 farms (without change in the whole period) and mainly help to harvest the flowers and other farm work such as selection and rapping of flowers. Farm work will be 5-6 days in a week usually around 08:00-18:00 (sometimes, even longer) with lunch ...
Népal / Chantier Adulte
Du 01/12/2024 au 14/12/2024
Thématique SOCI
-The project will take place in a small village in Kathmandu district, 7 km from Thamel, the center of Kathmandu. Most local people live off agriculture. The issue is with the chemicals that are used in agriculture and their harmful effect on public health. -Renovation of classro...
A Child space code: UV.04-03
Tanzanie / Chantier Adulte
Du 01/12/2024 au 14/12/2024
Thématique KIDS,EDU,CULT
o Games: Indoor and outdoor games that will stimulate learning, team building and activeness. Local games will be introduced as well foreign ones from the volunteers. Please bring new games to share with Kids. o Physical activities: Action jumping, Olympic Games etc. Gardening: ...
International Volunteer Day Month code: 0090
Afrique du Sud / Chantier Adulte
Du 02/12/2024 au 16/12/2024
Recognition of 5th December (World Volunteer Day) to recognise all the valuable volunteers in our community and organisation at large Volunteer Tasks: The work camp activities will include community work in and around Pretoria and includes working with children and also voluntar...
NPHT S1 code: NICE-24S-1202A
Sri Lanka / Chantier Adulte
Du 02/12/2024 au 08/12/2024
Our projects consist of two parts. First three days we worked at the orphanage. That is our main work. We are going to meet and help a family who doing domestic industries for a living. 1. Visit an orphanage and have activities with youths. 2. Activities with village children 3. ...
SEEDS 078. Environment & Photography - Advent code: SEEDS 078.
Islande / Chantier Adulte
Du 06/12/2024 au 14/12/2024
Thématique ENVI,ART,STUD
SEEDS’ programme combines learning, sharing, hands-on activities, getting to know Iceland, its culture, having fun, exploring the city and its attractions, as stunning natural attractions in possible excursions. Participants should prepare to share environmental issues from the...
Shining Star ECDC and Orphans School code: KVDA/STV/12A
Kenya / Chantier Adulte
Du 06/12/2024 au 20/12/2024
Thématique EDU,KIDS,MANU
PROJECT Activities • Early childhood development; basic primary school education; • This year 2015 the School has launched the secondary school section with the first students’ intake launched in February 2015. • Care and support orphans and vulnerable Children and HIV/A...
Oi 45 code: NICE-24V-1208A
Japon / Chantier Adulte
Du 08/12/2024 au 12/12/2024
Thématique AGRI,CULT
1. Support harvesting and shipping Sudachi citrus at its season 2. Support harvesting and shipping Shikimi (Japanese star anise) 3. Help making brochures or signs for pilgrims from overseas throughout the village. 4. Cleaning up vacant houses, etc....
Estonie / Chantier Adulte Chantier Adolescent
Du 08/12/2024 au 18/12/2024
Thématique MANU
The main work is the keeping up of Vikings Village which involves cleaning, fixing, painting. Other part of work is helping with various event preparations such as decorations set up, putting tents and tables and other odd jobs depending on event. The work is physical....
Népal / Chantier Adulte
Du 09/12/2024 au 21/12/2024
As a volunteer, you will be working with the farmers who are trained by VIN in permaculture. The work usually is hands on like designing the farm based on the permaculture principles U? 1/2 cultivating crops, weeding, irrigating, collecting materials, digging etc. Support farmers...
CYA - Learning Center (CLC) code: CYA2436
Cambodge / Chantier Adulte
Du 09/12/2024 au 21/12/2024
Thématique EDU,AGRI,CULT
- Teaching English, Computer, and organise library activities for students - Design and print T-shirt and soap making for CLC social enterprise - Participate/organise cultural event with local people - Work on vegetable garden of CLC...
Trapaing Sangke Fishing Community (TFC) code: CYA2435
Cambodge / Chantier Adulte
Du 09/12/2024 au 21/12/2024
Thématique ENVI,MANU
- Pick up mangrove seeds & seedling in the nursing area - Plant and maintain mangrove forest in the protected area - Work with community members in fixing or creating tourist activities inside mangrove forest...
InterCutural and Language (ICL) camp - Songkhla code: VSA2412
Thaïlande / Chantier Adulte
Du 09/12/2024 au 21/12/2024
Thématique EDU,LANG,LANG
Volunteer will be divided to work in rural school as English teachers, preparing lessons with the teacher at the school (do not expect this point too much even the teachers are also shy to speak out). Creative teaching English, Non-formal education tools can be used for creative ...
Kong Por Neua code: DaLaa 6712
Thaïlande / Chantier Adulte
Du 09/12/2024 au 18/12/2024
Thématique KIDS,CULT
After a preparation day, volunteers will organize two full days of activities with students at the local School to support values of international peace, culture exchange, solidarity, team building, leadership…depending of the skills of each one and using English language as a ...
Natural farming code: RC-15/24
Inde / Chantier Adulte
Du 09/12/2024 au 21/12/2024
Depending on the weather, volunteers would do vegetable farming, remove weeds, make organic compost and put it to farms, renovate the trails to farm, prepare dung sprays and pesticides to grow healthy crops. Be prepared to get your hands dirty and do physical work. Besides natu...
Kamojima 3 code: NICE-24S-1210B
Japon / Chantier Adulte
Du 10/12/2024 au 19/12/2024
Thématique KIDS
1) Working with children's center staff to provide operational support for events held at the children's center. 2) Planning and implementing play and study programs with children. 3) Organizing a Christmas party at Kamojima children center with children 4) Making rice cake, moch...
NPHT S2 code: NICE-24S-1210A
Sri Lanka / Chantier Adulte
Du 10/12/2024 au 19/12/2024
Our projects consist of two parts. First five days we worked at the orphanage. That is our main work. As a second part, we are going to meet and help a family who doing domestic industries for a living. 1. Visit an orphanage and have activities with youths. 2. Activities with vil...
Mexique / Chantier Adulte
Du 11/12/2024 au 22/12/2024
The volunteers will begin with the preparation of the site for the restitution of one of the arches of the aqueduct, carrying out carpentry activities for the construction of the wooden truss using traditional methods without power tools as well as manual cleaning of the aqueduct...
Education, leisure activities and celebrations for children code: FAGAD20
Togo / Chantier Adulte
Du 14/12/2024 au 06/01/2025
Thématique EDU,KIDS
Theme: Education, leisure activities and celebrations for children The objective of this work camp is also to lead children to discover others with their cultures and modes of life, to allow them to celebrate the end of the year and offer them ways of relaxing and expressing the...
Oi 46 code: NICE-24V-1215A
Japon / Chantier Adulte
Du 15/12/2024 au 19/12/2024
Thématique AGRI,CULT
1. Support harvesting and shipping Sudachi citrus at its season 2. Support harvesting and shipping Shikimi (Japanese star anise) 3. Help making brochures or signs for pilgrims from overseas throughout the village. 4. Cleaning up vacant houses, etc....
SEEDS 079. Environment & Photography - Christmas code: SEEDS 079.
Islande / Chantier Adulte
Du 15/12/2024 au 23/12/2024
Thématique ENVI,ART,STUD
SEEDS’ programme combines learning, sharing, hands-on activities, getting to know Iceland, its culture, having fun, exploring the city and its attractions, as stunning natural attractions in possible excursions. Participants should prepare to share environmental issues from the...
A Child space code: UV.04-04
Tanzanie / Chantier Adulte
Du 15/12/2024 au 28/12/2024
Thématique KIDS,EDU,CULT
o Games: Indoor and outdoor games that will stimulate learning, team building and activeness. Local games will be introduced as well foreign ones from the volunteers. Please bring new games to share with Kids. o Physical activities: Action jumping, Olympic Games etc. Gardening: ...
Intercultural and Language (ICL)- Nakhon Ratchasima 16-28/12/24 code: VSA2412-1
Thaïlande / Chantier Adulte
Du 16/12/2024 au 28/12/2024
Thématique EDU,KIDS,LANG
Volunteers will work as a teacher in the school, using English to communicate. Volunteers can teach the subject that requires the most skill or English for communication. Using Nonformal education tools for teaching. Teaching English mostly will be in the morning. School renovati...
Artistic work camp (initiation to artistic activities) code: FAGAD21
Togo / Chantier Adulte
Du 20/12/2024 au 13/01/2025
Thématique ART,KIDS
Theme: Artistic work camp (initiation to artistic activities) The objective of this project is to initiate and reinforce the capacities of volunteers wishing to be trained in the field of art. Indeed, they will work together with trainers, artists and other local volunteers in ...
Népal / Chantier Adulte
Du 20/12/2024 au 03/01/2025
Thématique CULT
-Physical and Educational-Construction or manual -Painting and decoration of class rooms -Agriculture...
Christmas in Palestine: priceless experience code: IPYL085
Palestine / Chantier Adulte
Du 22/12/2024 au 01/01/2025
The project seeks to bring young people from various cultures together to build cultural bridges of understanding, reconciliation and global peace. The long-term goal of project is to prepare youth to make positive contributions to society through the values of global understandi...
SEEDS 080. Environment & Photography - New Years' code: SEEDS 080.
Islande / Chantier Adulte
Du 27/12/2024 au 05/01/2025
Thématique ENVI,ART,STUD
SEEDS’ programme combines learning, sharing, hands-on activities, getting to know Iceland, its culture, having fun, exploring the city and its attractions, as stunning natural attractions in possible excursions. Participants should prepare to share environmental issues from the...
WORLD HERITAGE 3 code: DJ-2407
Indonésie / Chantier Adulte
Du 06/01/2025 au 17/01/2025
Thématique RENO,EDU,CULT
Volunteers will have restoration work. Besides, before the restoration work, the volunteers will have one day orientation about how to do the restoration and given information about the history of the temple, so that the volunteers really gain a lot of knowledge about the temples...
WEST BALI 3 code: DJ-2408
Indonésie / Chantier Adulte
Du 06/01/2025 au 16/01/2025
Thématique EDU,CULT
Partner of students and teachers to practice conversation in English; organizing presentation about culture /country etc in the classroom; learning traditional dance / music; sport activities; cultural exchange activities; smallrenovation work; playing with the students etc. The ...
Education/InterCutural and Language (ICL) camp - Songkhla 06-18/01/25 code: VSA2501
Thaïlande / Chantier Adulte
Du 06/01/2025 au 18/01/2025
Thématique EDU,KIDS,LANG
Volunteer will be divided to work in rural school as English teachers, preparing lessons with the teacher at the school (do not expect this point too much even the teachers are also shy to speak out). Creative teaching English, Non-formal education tools can be used for creative ...
SEEDS 001. Environment & Photography in the New Year code: SEEDS 001.
Islande / Chantier Adulte
Du 06/01/2025 au 15/01/2025
Thématique ENVI,ART,STUD
You will also have time to put the theory about photography into practice, walking around and exploring the city. At the end of the camp, the best photographs from each participant are selected for an online exhibition on SEEDS' social media. Participants should bring their own d...
Kenya / Chantier Adulte
Du 10/01/2025 au 31/01/2025
Thématique AGRI
 Working in the Model Farm: tilling the land, planting crops, applying manure, weeding, watering and harvesting  Assisting in cleaning the sheds for the domesticated animals  Assisting in training of computer skills to the Youth at the projects ICT center  ...
Education/Intercultural and Language (ICL)- Nakhon Ratchasima code: VSA2501-1
Thaïlande / Chantier Adulte
Du 13/01/2025 au 25/01/2025
Thématique EDU,KIDS,LANG
Volunteers will work as a teacher in the school, using English to communicate. Volunteers can teach the subject that requires the most skill or English for communication. Using Nonformal education tools for teaching. Teaching English mostly will be in the morning. School renovati...
Népal / Chantier Adulte Chantier Adulte
Du 16/01/2025 au 27/01/2025
Thématique KIDS,EDU,CULT
The volunteers will conduct children s camp to promote their innate talents and creativity for their overall physical, mental, social and emotional development. During the children s camp, volunteers will prepare sessions and take classes on physical exercises, team building, dra...
SEEDS 002. Environment & Photography - January code: SEEDS 002
Islande / Chantier Adulte
Du 16/01/2025 au 25/01/2025
Thématique ENVI,STUD,ART
You will visit local projects on environment and conservation. These may include hands-on activities or guided visits. Some examples include outdoor cleanup tasks, a geothermal power plant, a local fauna and/or flora exhibition or an outdoor Icelandic culture museum. Some of the...
Indonésie / Chantier Adulte
Du 22/01/2025 au 30/01/2025
Thématique SOCI,DISA,EDU
The role of the volunteer will be assisting local teacher in conducting hands on learning activity in order to stimulate children motoric and skill. The volunteer will assist local teacher (shadowing teaching) in the class by conducting some related lesson, supporting students pr...
SEEDS 003. Environment & Photography - Winter in Reykjavík code: SEEDS 003
Islande / Chantier Adulte
Du 26/01/2025 au 04/02/2025
Thématique ENVI,STUD,ART
During this camp, participants can share their love for (and learn more about) global & local environmental issues, as well as photography. If you are interested in topics such as climate change, waste management, animal protection and sustainability, and you also love taking pho...
POKHARA code: FFN-21
Népal / Chantier Adulte
Du 01/02/2025 au 10/02/2025
Thématique RENO
-Physical and manual work -Construction work-Cleaning the elders home -Making food-Culture exchange -Many more ----...