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Nous vous invitons à découvrir une multitude d'opportunités de volontariat en France et à l’international. 

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760 projets
Matopo Primary School code: ZWA10242024
Zimbabwe / Chantier Adulte
Du 10/10/2024 au 24/10/2024
Thématique ENVI
The work will involve the uprooting of lantana camara an alien invasive species prevalent in the district destroying vegetation and biodiversity: Lantana Camara is an Invasive Alien Plant rated as one of the world’s top ten worst weeds. Lantana Camara is displacing the native v...
DaLaa 20th anniversary camp code: DaLaa 6710
Thaïlande / Chantier Adulte
Du 10/10/2024 au 23/10/2024
The ACTIVITIES to strengthen the relationship and to support the aims are roughly planned as below. • Deal with the daily life • Work together on the vegetable gardens • Adjust surroundings around the volunteers service communities • Create forums-discussions on “Vol...
AU COMPOST ! code: SJ78
France / Chantier Adulte
Du 11/10/2024 au 25/10/2024
Thématique ENVI
Vous aurez l'occasion d'être initiés au concept de permaculture et d'agroforesterie. Vous travaillerez à la préparation des jardins pour la prochaine période hivernale en désherbant, en travaillant à la protection du sol, en semant et en plantant. En outre, un travail cré...
Let the show begin! – The Circus Workcamp code: ijgd 14028
Allemagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 11/10/2024 au 27/10/2024
Thématique SPOR,KIDS,ART
Would you like to learn circus acrobatics, pass on what you have learnt to children and perform together with the children in a circus show in front of a large audience? Then this work camp in Ahrensburg (near Hamburg) is the right place for you. The work part begins on Sunday 1...
Oi 38 code: NICE-24V-1013A
Japon / Chantier Adulte
Du 13/10/2024 au 17/10/2024
Thématique AGRI,CULT
1. Support harvesting and shipping Sudachi citrus at its season 2. Support harvesting and shipping Shikimi (Japanese star anise) 3. Help making brochures or signs for pilgrims from overseas throughout the village. 4. Cleaning up vacant houses, etc....
Turquie / Chantier Adulte
Du 13/10/2024 au 26/10/2024
Thématique AGRI,ENVI
The aim of the camp is the afforestation of a mountainous region. Within the scope of this work, it is planned to uproot the dried saplings in the areas designated for afforestation and transport the saplings to the areas for planting new ones....
CYA Learning Center (CLC) code: CYA2429
Cambodge / Chantier Adulte
Du 14/10/2024 au 26/10/2024
Thématique EDU,AGRI,CULT
At CLC, volunteers will work with our local staff in Teaching English, Computer, organize Library activities for students, and work on vegetable of CLC....
Open-air Theater Heidenheim code: IBG 27
Allemagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 14/10/2024 au 27/10/2024
Thématique MANU
After helping with the setting up of the stage earlier this year, the Naturtheater Heidenheim needs your help again. This time, the tasks will be a bit different: you will help to dismantle the stage and decorations for a well-deserved rest after the end of the theatrical season....
Construction of a community center for development and for listening code: FAGAD17
Togo / Chantier Adulte
Du 15/10/2024 au 04/11/2024
Thématique CONS,ENVI
Theme: Construction of a community center for development and for listening This project targets the construction of a building for the administration of projects and the development of the region around. This building will allow meetings to be held and development education to ...
Maki & Tateya 5 code: NICE-24S-1016A
Japon / Chantier Adulte
Du 16/10/2024 au 24/10/2024
Volunteers will stay and work in Maki for some days and Tateya in other days. The work will be mainly helping organic agriculture (cutting thatch, harvesting/ threshing rice, selecting beans, taking care of goats, cows and chicken) and also carrying the things from the town to Ma...
Weekend at Camphill Organic Farm code: SDAW2
Tchéquie / Chantier Adulte
Du 17/10/2024 au 20/10/2024
Thématique AGRI,MANU
Your work will mainly consist of manual farm work of all kinds. These include weeding, planting, hoeing, harvesting, watering, cleaning and storing vegetables, etc. In addition to vegetables, there are medical herbs grown, which you can also help to collect and process. You might...
France / Chantier Adulte Échanges de Jeunes - Adulte
Du 19/10/2024 au 02/11/2024
Thématique CULT SOCI
Etape 1, Constituer l'équipe : Au cours des premiers jours, vous apprendrez à vous connaître et à constituer un groupe d'une manière amusante et dynamique. Vous aurez un espace pour discuter des défis professionnels des jeunes avec vos pairs.Étape 2, Choisissez votre art :...
SEEDS 073. Environment & Photography - October code: SEEDS 073.
Islande / Chantier Adulte
Du 19/10/2024 au 28/10/2024
Thématique ENVI,ART,STUD
SEEDS’ programme combines learning, sharing, hands-on activities, getting to know Iceland, its culture, having fun, exploring the city and its attractions, as stunning natural attractions in possible excursions. Participants should prepare to share environmental issues from the...
France / Chantier Adulte Chantier - Corps Européen de Solidarité
Du 20/10/2024 au 02/11/2024
Thématique CONS ENVI
Dans le cadre de ce chantier, vous participerez à la valorisation d’un espace vert au cœur de l’aire de loisirs de la commune. Pour ce faire, vous réaliserez du petit mobilier urbain avec des matériaux écologiques et durables. Sous l’oeil attentif de l’encadrant...
Oi 39 code: NICE-24V-1020A
Japon / Chantier Adulte
Du 20/10/2024 au 24/10/2024
Thématique AGRI,CULT
1. Support harvesting and shipping Sudachi citrus at its season 2. Support harvesting and shipping Shikimi (Japanese star anise) 3. Help making brochures or signs for pilgrims from overseas throughout the village. 4. Cleaning up vacant houses, etc....
POKHARA code: FFN-15
Népal / Chantier Adulte
Du 20/10/2024 au 30/10/2024
Thématique SOCI
-Physical and manual work -Construction work-Cleaning the elders home -Making food-Culture exchange -Many more ----...
France / Chantier Adulte Chantier - Corps Européen de Solidarité
Du 21/10/2024 au 04/11/2024
Thématique ENVI EDU
Lors de ce projet, vous serez impliqué.e.s dans la construction de modules écologiques, qui participent à favoriser la biodiversité du Bois (nettoyage, élagage, construction d’abris à insectes, nichoirs à oiseaux…). Accompagné.e.s par les animateurs.rice.s du chantier...
Berlin Deutsch Camp 2 code: VJF 3.5
Allemagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 21/10/2024 au 01/11/2024
Thématique LANG
Study part: The group will receive German lessons by a qualified teacher who is a native speaker. You will receive 3 hours German lessons in the morning. The grammar and communication will be deepened, depending on the wishes and needs of the participants. In your free time, exc...
Berlin Deutsch Camp 2 code: VJF24 3.5
Allemagne / Chantier Adulte
Du 21/10/2024 au 01/11/2024
Thématique LANG
Study part: The group will receive German lessons by a qualified teacher who is a native speaker. You will receive 3 hours German lessons in the morning. The grammar and communication will be deepened, depending on the wishes and needs of the participants. In your free time, exc...
Construction of toilettes: hygiene and dignity for Adéta code: FAGAD18
Togo / Chantier Adulte
Du 25/10/2024 au 14/11/2024
Thématique CONS,KIDS
Theme: Construction of toilettes: hygiene and dignity for Adéta The objective of the work camp is to allow the commune of Adeta, and in particular the population of the village of Akodeme, to have access to public showers and lavatories. For FAGAD it is an opportunity to propos...
Mexique / Chantier Adulte
Du 25/10/2024 au 05/11/2024
Thématique RENO,CULT,ART
The volunteers will participate in the work of registration, conservation and restoration of "the House of Palestine" within the Enhancement plan that was affected by the 2017 earthquake. The works to be carried out will be the manufacture of a wooden door with traditional proces...
France / Chantier Adulte Échanges de Jeunes - Adulte
Du 26/10/2024 au 09/11/2024
Thématique SOCI ART
Une rencontre aura lieu entre un groupe de jeunes adultes venant d’Allemagne et de France, et un groupe venant d’une Maison d’Accueil Spécialisée locale. Le tout grâce à un support en plein essor : l’art numérique. Ce sera l’occasion, entre jeunes europé, d...
Oi 40 code: NICE-24V-1027A
Japon / Chantier Adulte
Du 27/10/2024 au 01/11/2024
Thématique AGRI,CULT
1. Support harvesting and shipping Sudachi citrus at its season 2. Support harvesting and shipping Shikimi (Japanese star anise) 3. Help making brochures or signs for pilgrims from overseas throughout the village. 4. Cleaning up vacant houses, etc....
Estonie / Chantier Adulte Chantier Adolescent
Du 27/10/2024 au 05/11/2024
Thématique MANU
The main work is the keeping up of Vikings Village which involves cleaning, fixing, painting. Other part of work is helping with various event preparations such as decorations set up, putting tents and tables and other odd jobs depending on event. The work is physical....
Mexique / Chantier Adulte
Du 27/10/2024 au 03/11/2024
ACTIVITIES: The volunteers will be sharing the activities with the boys and girls of the home. For the most part, when carried out during the holiday period, they will be activities that are aimed at motivating children's creativity, through art workshops (music, crafts, drawing,...
France / Chantier Adulte
Du 28/10/2024 au 09/11/2024
Thématique ENVI RENO
Les matinées des 2 semaines seront consacrées à la rénovation du local de l’association. Au programme, vous ferez un premier travail sur les finitions du bâtiment, plutôt de l'ordre de la peinture : lissage des peintures dans les différentes salles où il y aura un besoi...
Diwali-Festivalof Lights code: RC-13/24
Inde / Chantier Adulte
Du 28/10/2024 au 09/11/2024
Thématique FEST,SOCI
This camp is a great opportunity to learn and experience Indian culture and understand the diversity and unity it stands for. You shall be participating in our ongoing humanitarian actions like Non formal education, women empowerment initiatives, environment conservation, waste u...
SEEDS 074. Environment & Photography - Autumn code: SEEDS 074.
Islande / Chantier Adulte
Du 29/10/2024 au 07/11/2024
Thématique ENVI,ART,STUD
SEEDS’ programme combines learning, sharing, hands-on activities, getting to know Iceland, its culture, having fun, exploring the city and its attractions, as stunning natural attractions in possible excursions. Participants should prepare to share environmental issues from the...
Népal / Chantier Adulte
Du 01/11/2024 au 14/11/2024
Thématique AGRI
-The project will take place in a small village in Kathmandu district, 7 km from Thamel, the center of Kathmandu. Most local people live off agriculture. The issue is with the chemicals that are used in agriculture and their harmful effect on public health. -Renovation of classro...
Oi 41 code: NICE-24V-1103A
Japon / Chantier Adulte
Du 03/11/2024 au 07/11/2024
Thématique AGRI,CULT
1. Support harvesting and shipping Sudachi citrus at its season 2. Support harvesting and shipping Shikimi (Japanese star anise) 3. Help making brochures or signs for pilgrims from overseas throughout the village. 4. Cleaning up vacant houses, etc....
Between sea and mountain #3 code: WECO2024-5
Colombie / Chantier Adulte
Du 04/11/2024 au 22/11/2024
In general, volunteers will plan and run various activities for kids and the community. The work includes: • Plan and carry out English lessons for kids. • Participate in beach cleaning. • Clean, organize and prepare an outdoor place, next to the local foundation where the...
Development for Cambodian Children (DCC) code: CYA2431
Cambodge / Chantier Adulte
Du 04/11/2024 au 16/11/2024
Thématique EDU,SPOR,ENVI
DCC is currently working on 4 main thematic areas including 1. Education: teaching Egnlish and Computer to local children and teenagers, 2. Environment: organizes different outdoor activities with children and teenagers, 3. Community Development: provide emergency support to the ...
SAVWA Climate Justice Work Camp code: 0089
Afrique du Sud / Chantier Adulte
Du 04/11/2024 au 18/11/2024
Thématique EDU,ENVI,SOCI
Type of Work: The South Africa Volunteer Work Camp Association (SAVWA) Climate Justice Work Camp is an initiative to encourage our younger generation to realise the rising climate change our world is experiencing. Volunteer Tasks: Volunteers will have an opportunity to get hands...
Enviromental Education CAMP - Katembe code: AJOV 12
Mozambique / Chantier Adulte
Du 04/11/2024 au 18/11/2024
Thématique ENVI,EDU,KIDS
WORK • Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture; • Working with Community; • Work with local farmers, to develop social & community work. • Also create recreation activities such as game, song, intercultural exchange together. • Farming work – growing and eating what we g...
Enviromental Education CAMP - Katembe code: AJOV 12
Mozambique / Chantier Adulte
Du 04/11/2024 au 18/11/2024
WORK • Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture; • Working with Community; • Work with local farmers, to develop social & community work. • Also create recreation activities such as game, song, intercultural exchange together. • Farming work – growing and eating what we g...
Support in terms of sensitization in terms of education on the methods to prevent IST/VTH/SIDA plus support and reading for the children (library). code: FAGAD19
Togo / Chantier Adulte
Du 05/11/2024 au 26/11/2024
Thématique KIDS,SOCI,EDU
Theme: Support in terms of sensitization in terms of education on the methods to prevent IST/VTH/SIDA plus support and reading for the children (library). The youth of rural areas is confronted with serious problems linked not only just to primary health care, but also to unwante...
NP S4 code: NICE-24S-1105A
Sri Lanka / Chantier Adulte
Du 05/11/2024 au 14/11/2024
Thématique CULT,EDUC
The project consists of two parts, activities with youths and visits community. For three days we are working with youths in the village, youths in the vocational training center, and the orphanage. After that we visit to meet a family, members of the self-help group, kids at th...
NP S4B code: NICE-24S-1105A
Sri Lanka / Chantier Adulte
Du 05/11/2024 au 10/11/2024
Thématique CULT,EDUC
The project consists of two parts, activities with youths and visits community. For three days we are working with youths in the village, youths in the vocational training center, and the orphanage. After that we visit to meet a family, members of the self-help group, kids at th...
Kenya / Chantier Adulte
Du 07/11/2024 au 25/11/2024
• Helping in farming to increase agricultural outputs in the village ie tilling of land, slashing, • planting and weeding of crops • Helping the local people with brick-making for income generation • Helping to fetch water from the stream for the old people • Playing ga...
Kenya / Chantier Adulte
Du 08/11/2024 au 29/11/2024
Thématique AGRI,EDU,ENVI
Manual work and Intercultural activities: • Promote modern farming methods in partnership with community members. • Community empowerment through agri-business • Combating climate change • Creating green collar jobs • Field visits and face to face meetings with the lo...
SEEDS 075. Environment & Photography - Airwaves code: SEEDS 075.
Islande / Chantier Adulte
Du 08/11/2024 au 17/11/2024
Thématique ENVI,ART,STUD
SEEDS’ programme combines learning, sharing, hands-on activities, getting to know Iceland, its culture, having fun, exploring the city and its attractions, as stunning natural attractions in possible excursions. Participants should prepare to share environmental issues from the...
Esikoma Community Health Volunteers code: KVDA/STV/11A
Kenya / Chantier Adulte
Du 08/11/2024 au 29/11/2024
Thématique EDU,SOCI,ENVI
Manual work and Intercultural activities: • Rehabilitation of Busia wetlands • Environmental education to schools • Conservation of Busia wetlands • Support of venerable children in the communities • Rural renewable energy management and conservation • Nature based...
Oi 42 code: NICE-24V-1110A
Japon / Chantier Adulte
Du 10/11/2024 au 14/11/2024
Thématique AGRI,CULT
1. Support harvesting and shipping Sudachi citrus at its season 2. Support harvesting and shipping Shikimi (Japanese star anise) 3. Help making brochures or signs for pilgrims from overseas throughout the village. 4. Cleaning up vacant houses, etc....
InterCutural and Language (ICL) camp - Songkhla 11-23/11/24 code: VSA2411
Thaïlande / Chantier Adulte
Du 11/11/2024 au 23/11/2024
Thématique EDU,KIDS,LANG
Volunteer will be divided to work in rural school as English teachers, preparing lessons with the teacher at the school (do not expect this point too much even the teachers are also shy to speak out). Creative teaching English, Non-formal education tools can be used for creative ...
Women Power code: RC-14/24
Inde / Chantier Adulte
Du 11/11/2024 au 23/11/2024
Thématique SOCI,EDU,SOCI
Working closely with local communities we have mobilized women self help groups in villages. Through these groups we have nurtured and supported women entrepreneurship initiatives to economically support their families and spread awareness within villages. We also work with teena...
Health & Wellness Study visit program Songkhla, Thailand code: VSA2411-2
Thaïlande / Chantier Adulte
Du 13/11/2024 au 22/11/2024
Thématique STUD,EDU
Schedule 13 - 22 November 2024 13 Nov (Wed) Arrival Day Airport Pick up and check in and Introduction 14 Nov (Thu) Visit bedridden patients. Visit bedridden patients in remote areas. The activity of Thai village health volunteers to check up the bedridden patient in the village. ...
Népal / Chantier Adulte
Du 16/11/2024 au 30/11/2024
Thématique ENVI
-Physical and Educational-Construction or manual -Painting and decoration of class rooms -Agriculture...
Oi 43 code: NICE-24V-1117A
Japon / Chantier Adulte
Du 17/11/2024 au 21/11/2024
Thématique AGRI,CULT
1. Support harvesting and shipping Sudachi citrus at its season 2. Support harvesting and shipping Shikimi (Japanese star anise) 3. Help making brochures or signs for pilgrims from overseas throughout the village. 4. Cleaning up vacant houses, etc....
Yumefukuro code: NICE-24S-1117A
Japon / Chantier Adulte
Du 17/11/2024 au 30/11/2024
Volunteers will mainly trim the bamboo trees that can increase the whole amount to fix carbon in the forest and make the bamboo charcoal to be used as fuel instead of oil as carbon offset project. Other work will be helping to run the marine environmental education for the local ...
CYA Learning Center (CLC) code: CYA2433
Cambodge / Chantier Adulte
Du 18/11/2024 au 30/11/2024
Thématique EDU,AGRI,CULT
- Teach English, sports, arts, and computer at CLC & public school - Organize different workshops, training, and activities to improve teenagers life skills - Organize public events to promote higher education - work on CYA - Learning Center vegetable garden...