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Nous vous invitons à découvrir une multitude d'opportunités de volontariat en France et à l’international. 

Que vous souhaitiez vous immerger dans l’organisation d’un festival en France ou dans un projet culturel en Asie, participer à des projets environnementaux en Europe, ou contribuer à des initiatives éducatives en Amérique latine ou en Afrique, notre moteur de recherche est là pour vous aider à trouver le projet parfait.

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Assurez-vous de spécifier votre âge, car certains projets peuvent exiger une participation dans une tranche d'âge particulière. Enfin, explorez la diversité des types de volontariat que nous proposons, allant des chantiers internationaux aux échanges de jeunes, en passant par les projets de moyen et long terme. Trouvez celui qui correspond à votre vision, vos disponibilités et à vos aspirations.

896 projets
États-Unis / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/10/2021 au 25/03/2027
Thématique CONS,RENO
WORK: Experienced carpenters, roofers, plumbers, painters and other tradesmen needed for rebuilding homes in the flood-damaged Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans. Unskilled volunteers will be trained by skilled staff. All aspects of home rebuilding will be addressed, from roofing ...
Intercultural and Language (ICL)- Chiangmai code: VSAMLTV2301-4
Thaïlande / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 03/01/2023 au 04/09/2025
Thématique EDU,KIDS,CULT
Volunteers will work as English teachers, preparing lessons or English Camp with the teacher at the school. Creative teaching English – Non-formal education tools can be used for creative teaching; volunteer is not required teaching certificate but required to be creative. Aims...
Red de Voluntariado Hospitalario code: ARG-7
Argentine / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 27/02/2023 au 12/12/2025
Thématique DISA,SOCI
The activities planned to be carried out are focused in covering the basic needs of a hospitalized person. That includes: - Prepare activities like games or reading sessions - Containment and support for family members. - Collaboration in Internment Rooms, External Offices, Pharm...
Tierra Salud code: ARG-6
Argentine / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 27/02/2023 au 12/12/2025
The activities planned to be carried out are: -Help in daily activities. -They can be kitchen helper, dining room attendant, stock assistant, safe food handling attendant, cleaning the kitchen, etc -The attendance can be helping or guiding an art workshop or sports or playing g...
Hogar Maria Luisa code: ARG-5
Argentine / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 27/02/2023 au 12/12/2025
Thématique KIDS,SOCI,EDU
Hogar Maria Luisa are an almost closed community. Children live there 24 hours a day, and the employees have permanent work contracts. It's possible that the children that stay at the House are the same during the whole stay of the volunteer. The local volunteers are the only peo...
Uniendo Caminos code: ARG-4
Argentine / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 27/02/2023 au 12/12/2025
Thématique EDU,KIDS,SOCI
The activities carried out are: - School support accompaniment -Snacks for children and youth -Recreational activities for children and youth -Study methodology workshops -Cultural and educational outings -Cinema/Photography/Literature/Theatre/Recycling/Textile/Mural Design Work...
Bosque Urbano code: ARG-3
Argentine / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 27/02/2023 au 12/12/2025
Volunteerings are spaces where we learn while we work, we share knowledge and take care of the space. We transplant, irrigate, identify species, remove invasive species and weeds, plant, make cuttings, fertilise and care for this great biodiversity. The weekly agenda consists of ...
Asociación civil Engranajes code: ARG-2
Argentine / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 27/02/2023 au 12/12/2025
Thématique EDU,CULT,SOCI
Engranajes offers the space and activities for the various actors of the community to meet and project themselves, improve the quality of life of their communities and strengthen values such as solidarity, citizen participation and social responsibility for their environment. In ...
Paulo Freire Community Center code: ARG-1
Argentine / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 27/02/2023 au 12/12/2025
Thématique EDU,KIDS,SPOR
The activities planned to be carried out are: - Preparation of spaces for school support. - Search for materials needed for workshops and activities. - Design of activities to promote youth participation - Carrying out playful and pedagogical activities with children. - Design o...
Pilares NGO code: ARG-8
Argentine / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/03/2023 au 12/12/2025
Thématique EDU,KIDS,ART
- In Early Childhood Centers (Flores and Pompeya neighborhoods). Activities: Recreation and games, preparing snacks/breakfast, administrative tasks (during the week) - Within the "Haciendo Lupa" Program, with ages between 9 and 15 years (Barracas neighborhood). Activities: Liter...
SAS and SES Support code: ARG-13
Argentine / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/03/2023 au 12/12/2025
Thématique EDU,SOCI
These are tasks that support the work of the Foundation's teams. They are generally tasks related to communication, the development of materials and documents, and project design. We promote the development of skills for work in this type of activities. - Cooperate in everyday ac...
La Sartén por el Mango code: ARG-11
Argentine / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/03/2023 au 12/12/2025
Thématique EDU,KIDS,CULT
Tasks: - Collaborate with kitchen needs: prepare healthy food with other volunteers. - Prepare artistic and nutritional activities and workshops for children. - Carry out play activities with the children....
Sur Solidario code: ARG-10
Argentine / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/03/2023 au 12/12/2025
1. There are four educative centers and communitarian kitchens. - Puente Verde. In addition to food security, cooking and taekwondo workshops are also offered. In addition, tutoring and school support is provided to children. - Tejedoras. They also provide support and companionsh...
Health (community health) code: FAGAD MLTV8 KPELE
Togo / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 10/03/2023 au 31/12/2025
Thématique SOCI
Theme: Health (community health) The objective is to allow volunteers in the domain of health to participate in the care of people who are ill in social – medical centers of the Kpélé Prefecture. It is also an opportunity to come and reinforce their capacity in the structure...
Administration code: FAGAD MLTV7 ADETA-OFFICES
Togo / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 10/03/2023 au 31/12/2025
Theme: Administration The objective is to allow volunteers to bring their contribution to the administrative management of and in the communication activities of a non - governmental organization. It is also an opportunity to come and reinforce their capacity inside our structur...
Artistic work camps (initiation into artistic activities) code: FAGAD MLTV6 ADETA KODEME
Togo / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 10/03/2023 au 31/12/2025
Thématique ART,CULT
Theme: Artistic work camps (initiation into artistic activities) The objective is initiation and reinforcement of the capacities of volunteers desirous of want to learn in the domain of artistic art and fin the finance for the activities with groups of children linked to FAGAD. ...
Protection and promotion of the Koutammakou site (an element of the world patrimony of UNESCO) code: FAGAD MLTV5 NADOBA
Togo / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 10/03/2023 au 31/12/2025
Thématique CULT,ENVI
Theme: Protection and promotion of the Koutammakou site (an element of the world patrimony of UNESCO) This village is one of the villages situated on the site of Koutammakou. The site is classed as an element of the world patrimony of UNESCO. The site has need of everyone for it...
Project for the improvement of the conditions of life of the population of ESSE and the education of their children code: FAGAD MLTV4 EESE ZOGBEDZI
Togo / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 10/03/2023 au 31/12/2025
Project for the improvement of the conditions of life of the population of ESSE and the education of their children Our association, by way of this program, wants to bring a support to live comfortably in a village which is a little forgotten. Our program in this village is targ...
Creation of a “green village”, protection and promotion of the Site of FIATOE code: FAGAD MLTV3 KPEKPETA
Togo / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 10/03/2023 au 31/12/2025
Theme: Creation of a “green village”, protection and promotion of the Site of FIATOE (Element of the national cultural patrimony of Togo) FAGAD wants to create a village where the population can concentrate on good management of its territory in an ecological framework. (Hab...
Construction of a bio agricultural farm with the appropriate technology (PERMACULTURE) code: FAGAD MLTV2 DANYI
Togo / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 10/03/2023 au 31/12/2025
Construction of a bio agricultural farm with the appropriate technology (PERMACULTURE) FAGAD’s idea is the creation of a farm with the appropriate technology in terms of agricultural production. A local agriculture based on bio technologies: a farm where the major elements en...
Education and children’s leisure activities code: FAGAD MLTV1 ADETA
Togo / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 10/03/2023 au 31/12/2025
Thématique EDU,KIDS,CULT
Education and children’s leisure activities It covers the fields of teaching children: How to prepare the future ; Teach them to read and write ; How to live in society ; Teach them games and sketches, and aid them to present them in public ; Teach the basic ...
Ban Kok Riang (Creative English teaching and community living) code: DaLaa MLTV 2301
Thaïlande / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 16/08/2023 au 30/11/2025
Thématique LANG,EDU,SOCI
1- Give non-formal English classes and other fun activities with the students at primary school and at VSC on weekend 2- Create teaching materials for teacher and kids 3- Activities with villagers: cleaning the temple area, sport activities, homemade cooking dessert 4- Cooking, ...
Na Nai Kong code: DaLaa MLTV 2101
Thaïlande / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 16/08/2023 au 16/08/2025
Clay house construction. Get ready to be dirty! Organic agriculture: compost, seedling, planting, caring… Area and local culture discovery...
Kok Payom Community “Learning Community, Creative English teaching and environment” code: DaLaa MLTV 0950
Thaïlande / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 16/08/2023 au 24/12/2025
Thématique EDU,KIDS,ENVI
Volunteers can possibly do the activities as follows: • Create (non-formal) English classes at local schools • Organize fun and enjoyable activities to the village children (or adults) at the village meeting place -Create a place where local people and children can learn and ...
Arte en las Fábricas code: ARG-12
Argentine / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 21/08/2023 au 12/12/2025
Thématique ART,ENVI
Maintenance, management and care of the space; garden project; productive projects of pieces of art; wind power project Tasks: Attend and assist in cultural events; garden maintenance; support in the production of artistic pieces; awareness actions on the use of wind energy. In ...
Camphill Village Minnesota code: VFP-LTV 01
États-Unis / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 21/09/2023 au 30/05/2025
Thématique SOCI,DISA
Volunteers will assist in a variety of tasks including but not limited to: Assisting adults with developmental disabilities in their daily living activities in the home and managing crews in workplaces such as gardening, farming, cooking, food preserving, cleaning, woodworking, w...
Kenya / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/01/2024 au 31/12/2025
Thématique SOCI,KIDS,EDU
Volunteer tasks • Training youths in entrepreneurship, financial literacy, employability and life skills • Mentorship and apprenticeship • Design and production of custom made bags from bio degradable materials, printing of T-Shirts and other related works • Submit Proje...
Kenya / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/01/2024 au 31/12/2025
Thématique KIDS,EDU,MANU
Volunteer tasks • Teaching • Sporting with the pupils • Home visits to touch base with development challenges • Inter-cultural activities in partnership with local community members....
Kenya / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/01/2024 au 31/12/2025
Thématique STUD,SOCI
Project background • Mount Olives Self Help Group project is an initiative of young professionals who came up together to work amongst their community through sharing knowledge and helping the community to pull up resources together or their development. • The group was found...
Kenya / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/01/2024 au 31/12/2025
Thématique KIDS,EDU,MANU
Project background The institution was established in 2011 and registered as a community based organization in 2012. Its major focus is to address the challenges facing the local community and foremost the high poverty levels, disease and social exclusion. HIV/AIDS is among the ...
Kenya / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/01/2024 au 31/12/2025
Thématique KIDS,EDU,MANU
Volunteer task • Social work majorly guiding and counseling for the HIV/AIDS program • Teaching English, mathematics and physical education • Home visits to establish challenges of development • Submit Project Report to KVDA...
Kenya / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/01/2024 au 31/12/2025
Volunteer tasks • Manual work and intercultural activities • Agro forestry that will include tree planting • Preparation of tree nurseries and weeding • Land scaping and tending to bamboo trees in the natural habitat • Construction work at the centre and neighbouring...
Kenya / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/01/2024 au 31/12/2025
Thématique EDU,KIDS,MANU
Volunteer tasks • Teaching Primary School pupils • Physical education and life skills education • Training to build capacities for community based organizations • Submit Project Report to KVDA...
Kenya / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/01/2024 au 30/11/2025
Thématique EDU,KIDS,MANU
Volunteer tasks • Teaching Primary School pupils • Tree planting • Sensitization of the community on the dangers of FGM and advocacy on alternative rites of passage • Submit Project Report to KVDA THEME: GENDER SENSITIVITY: FOCUS ON FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION (FGM) • Fe...
Kenya / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/01/2024 au 31/12/2025
Thématique EDU,KIDS,STUD
Project activities What outcomes will our project achieve? • Youth Entrepreneurship and Leadership Development program will improve young people’s employability prospects by preparing them for quality jobs and helping others succeed as entrepreneurs. • A staggering number ...
Kenya / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/01/2024 au 31/12/2025
Thématique ANIM,ENVI,EDU
Volunteer tasks  Animal conservation -Regular ground patrols and safari walk. -Identifying animal species found within the area -Identify and name indigenous plants and uses. - Monitoring wildlife movement  Cultural -Experience Maasai way of life - Control ca...
Kenya / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/01/2024 au 31/12/2025
Thématique CULT,ART,SOCI
Volunteer tasks • Take care of orphans • Weaving • Art work • Women training on self-awareness and confidence building • Women training on entrepreneurship skills and financial management • Meetings and media campaign on women empowerment in leadership • Home visi...
Kenya / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/01/2024 au 31/12/2025
Project activities • Laboratory work • Observation of patients • Injection/filter • Pharmacy work • Registration • Reproductive health • Child Delivery • Awareness creation on health issues....
Kenya / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/01/2024 au 31/12/2025
Volunteer tasks • The volunteers will be assigned duties in the health facility by professional staff • Record keeping, weighing, and general cleanliness among other duties at the center. • Submit Project Report to KVDA...
Kenya / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/01/2024 au 31/12/2025
Volunteer tasks • Organic farming, weeding, tilling the gardens, harvesting produce and livestock farming, • Attend to field visits and trainings organized for farmers engaged in organic farming • The application of appropriate technology on organic farms • Interaction w...
Kenya / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/01/2024 au 31/12/2025
Thématique EDU,KIDS
Volunteer tasks • Tasks of the volunteer in the project will be teaching: Languages (Any of these subjects English, French and Germany) Mathematics and Science • Development of club activities in the school • Promotion of sports and extra curriculum activities such as physi...
Kenya / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/01/2024 au 31/12/2025
Thématique MANU,KIDS,EDU
• Teaching students. • Playing games (football, netball, volleyball, and hockey). • Creating awareness in conservation. • Help the Ng’onzini Primary School wildlife club to build a tortoise nature trail for the benefit of Mwaluganje slow moving animals against yearly wi...
Water shed conservation in Guanacaste code: ACICRC21-20
Costa Rica / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/01/2024 au 31/12/2025
Thématique ENVI,EDU,AGRI
Volunteers will be working in: ● Guanacaste Water Center Signaling Project: Recognize the need of specific signaling requirements inside the conservation area, and generate the materials for it. Signaling goals are focused in tree and special plant species recognition, but also...
Intercultural and Language (ICL) - Mae Hong Son code: VSAMLTV2401-7
Thaïlande / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 04/01/2024 au 28/02/2025
Thématique EDU,LANG,KIDS
Volunteers will work as English teacher assistant, preparing lessons or English Camp with the professor in the university. The students age between 17-22 years old. Creative teaching English – Non-formal education tools can be used for creative teaching; volunteer is not requi...
Rescue Team Assistant-Songkhla code: VSAMLTV1106
Thaïlande / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/02/2024 au 31/12/2025
Thématique SOCI,STUD
Volunteers work as an assistant and the supporters in rescue term, helping first aid, take the patient to the hospital, and any other work to help people from an accident or emergency case. The rescue is working 12 hours in one team from 8 am. – 8 pm. and from 8 pm. – 8 am. V...
Mozambique / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 04/03/2024 au 04/03/2025
Thématique EDU,KIDS,SOCI
WORK • With Childs in Informal Education; • Working with Community; • Work with local NGOs, to develop social & community work. • Also create recreation activities such as game, song, intercultural exchange together. The informal children's education project in Maputo aim...
Voluntary service Management code: UV.08-02
Tanzanie / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/04/2024 au 31/03/2025
Assist and working together with CVS-Najitolea team to:- o Prepare accurate project descriptions and Information sheet o Prepare volunteers’ training, orientation, midterm and final evaluations o Prepare Project leaders’ training o Conduct regular Volunteer Information ses...
Indonésie / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/04/2024 au 31/03/2025
Thématique SOCI,CULT
The role of the volunteer will be assisting local staffs and women in doing various non-formal activities; Assisting local teacher at non-formal education fields such as organizing English class for students; Assisting teacher at kindergarten of PKBM; Organizing sport activities ...
Indonésie / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/04/2024 au 31/03/2025
Thématique EDU,CULT
The role of the volunteer will be assisting the staffs of Dejavato in organizing various activities such office work, visiting local partners, organizing seminars and other activities...
Indonésie / Moyen Long Terme (à partir de 1 mois)
Du 01/04/2024 au 31/03/2025
Thématique EDU,CULT,LANG
To organize and assist local foreign language teacher; To contribute to the organization of non formal work shops ; To organize games and entertaining activities for students; To contribute to other activities the school may punctually organize...