Projet achevé

Fedasil Sugny

PAYS Belgique
13/07/2024 27/07/2024
Âge : 18 - 30
code :  CBB0724ESC
Thématique MANU,SOCI
Nombre de volontaires 12 VOLS
Langue eng
Projet sans frais


The Sugny Asylum Seeker Centre hosts people who have asked for international protection in Belgium. These people fled situations of war, persecution, discriminations, environmental disasters…. But before to feel actually established in Belgium and allowed to build their future here, their refugee status has to be proven and accepted through a long administrative process. While waiting for the documents that will enable them to remain legally in our country, the asylum seekers are accommodated in this centre. People living there await the solution concerning their administrative status. They never know what tomorrow may bring to them. Therefore, residents often found themselves overwhelmed by feelings of relief and anguish, hope and disappointment. The life of Sugny Asylum Seeker Centre reflects these individual dramas and hopefulness of residents. Website (available in English): This project is organized in line with several other volunteering teams hosted in refugees center in Belgium. It aims to bring a small contribution to the welcoming of the residents as well as to permit the volunteers to learn about and be better aware of the realities of the migration policies. By volunteering for this project, you are actively helping the centre welcome people coming from a wide variety of difficult situations and take care of them while they are waiting for a response to their asylum request (UN SDG 10 Reduced inequalities).


location Sugny

Itinéraire vers le point de RDV

The 13th of July at Gedinne train station at 3.00pm.

Informations supplémentaires

This project is a volunteering team, supported by the European Solidarity Corps program of the European Union. Compared to the usual workcamp participation scheme, some main financial and administrative differences must be underlined:  The participation to the ESC volunteering teams is subjects to several principles and conditions, presented on the ESC webpage:  The volunteers do not have to pay any fee (not sending, nor participation fee) to attend the project  The volunteers will receive pocket money, calculated on basis of 4€/day, once they arrive on the project in Belgium  The volunteers will receive a financial support for their travel, according to a maximum amount established in accordance with their travel distance  The volunteers need to register on the European Solidarity Corps Portal; CBB will organize their matching, on the online system, with the volunteering project  The volunteers will have to complete a participation report, submitted online by the ESC portal We warn the volunteers that the consumption of alcohol is strictly forbidden inside the centre. The volunteers are required to have basic knowledge of French. Besides, it is necessary to have basic knowledge about group’s animation (songs, music, dance, plays…) and to be able to assume responsibility within a group. Be able to listen to others is very important there. This kind of workcamp is a very rich personal and human experience. It makes people aware of the complexity of certain social conditions related to the great inequalities on our planet. In order to demonstrate this, we ask the candidate volunteers:  to answer our specific questionnaire (if you do not have it yet, please ask it to your sending organization)  to send us a criminal record We will not confirm any placement request before the analysis of these documents.


This project is based on a dynamic meeting between the volunteers and the residents of the centre. With the help of technical leaders, the volunteers and the residents will work together to improve the quality of life and well-being in the center: painting some rooms and corridors, building benches and tables, creation of 2 games storage boxes and proposing leisure activities and workshops to the residents and specially youngsters and kids: sports, crafts, games, treasure hunt, film projection, debate… Feel free to bring your fresh ideas. Sugny’s center wants also to create more connections and share between the residents and the local community and so they would like to organize an event (to be confirmed) around the theme of the “Kitchen of the World” during the week-end of the festivities for the Belgian National Day (21th of July). BEWARE : Probably volunteers will work during the week-end (20th – 21th of July) and they will have free time on Monday and Tuesday.

Logement & nourriture

Volunteers will be lodged in a common room (dormitory) in a building next to the central one. Showers are accessible in the central building. A washing machine is also available. BEWARE : Volunteers will share the same living conditions of the residents that are really “basic”. The food will be provided by the center and you will eat in the refectory with the residents. There is also a kitchen available if you want to propose to the others your favourite meal ;)

Emplacement & temps libre

Sugny is a small and isolated village in the south of Belgium nearby the French border. By choosing this workcamp, you decide to live in the nature. All around, there are fields, woods and small villages. But there are plenty of opportunities for entertainment: football fields, basketball playgrounds… During the weekend, and according to the group decisions, it will be possible to organise cultural visits and to travel to the biggest Belgian cities. BEWARE: the place is really isolated.

Objectifs de développement durable